本文选题:晚清时期 + 文官保举制度 ; 参考:《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2014年05期
[Abstract]:The Qing Dynasty, like other autocratic dynasties in China, stressed the importance of talent. To this end, there are a series of talent selection, officials appointment system design and arrangements. In order to make up for the deficiency of taking the imperial examination and selecting the official by rule, and to achieve the purpose of selecting and reusing talents, the Qing Dynasty further standardized and strengthened the system and expanded the scope of application of the system on the basis of the system of the Ming Dynasty. In the first and middle period of Qing Dynasty, due to little political and social changes, the system, including the civil service system, continued with little change and remained relatively stable. However, in the late Qing Dynasty, due to the changes in the nature of Chinese society, the political system was gradually transforming. As far as the civil service protection system is concerned, change is also the proper meaning in its subject. In the late Qing Dynasty, the system and the operating mechanism of the civil service protection system reflected the basic characteristics of the civil service protection system in both static and dynamic aspects: the civil official protection system was constantly adjusted, and the external situation of the civil official protection system changed in a multi-dimensional way. The status of the right of civil protection in many people's power has been promoted, and the negative influence of civil service on politics and society has been great, even more than its beneficial aspects.
【作者单位】: 南华大学政治与公共管理学院;
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