本文选题:《纽约时报》 + 美国 ; 参考:《长春师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Based on the relevant reports on the Sino-Soviet conflict in the New York Times from 1959 to 1969, and combining with the declassified "American diplomatic File Collection", this paper attempts to collate and analyze the original files and materials. To understand the United States' assessment and understanding of the historical process of Sino-Soviet relations from alliance to relationship breakdown, and to explain the dominant position of the traditional mainstream media in the United States, represented by the New York Times, and its assessment of US government intelligence. The interrelationship between government policies. In addition to the introduction and conclusions, the full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the general summary of the report on Sino-Soviet relations in the New York Times, and the following three chapters are the reports and studies on the different stages of the development of Sino-Soviet relations in the New York Times. The second chapter mainly focuses on the changes in Sino-Soviet relations caused by the Sino-Indian border conflict and the contradictions and differences between China and the Soviet Union on the Albanian issue, and reveals its concern about the initial situation of differences in Sino-Soviet relations. In the third chapter, the paper mainly analyzes the issues surrounding China's development of nuclear weapons between China and the Soviet Union, and the contradictions and differences between China and the Soviet Union on the issue of "peaceful coexistence" between the United States and the United States. The fourth chapter mainly takes the conflict between China and the Soviet Union in Xinjiang and Zhenbao Island as an example to analyze the report and analysis of the newspaper in the stage of the rupture of Sino-Soviet relations. Chapter five attempts to compare public opinion with the evaluation of American government intelligence. Through the above analysis, this paper tries to draw the conclusion that the public opinion represented by the mainstream media in the United States at that time was roughly consistent with the intelligence assessment of the United States government, and it may have had a certain impact on the government policy.
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