
发布时间:2018-06-10 15:32

  本文选题:江西 + 难童 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:抗战时期,由于战争、自然灾害及陈腐思想的影响,江西产生数目众多的难童,形成了难童潮。难童问题引起政府和社会的特别关注,他们不仅对难童进行积极的救济,还给予适当的教养,使其健康成长、全面发展。本文以抗战时期江西难童救济、教养工作为研究对象,运用档案、期刊等原始资料及相关著作,结合社会救济、儿童教育、儿童福利等理论,探究了江西难童救济教养工作的背景、机构概况、教养的具体内容,并对其工作作出客观评析。希望通过本文的论述,加深人们对抗战时期江西难童救济教养工作的认识。 论文第一部分从难童问题的由来、政府及社会对于难童的关注分析了难童救济教养的背景,指出战争是难童形成的根本原因,自然灾害是难童产生的温床,陈腐思想则加剧了难童的形成。政府和社会对于难童问题的关注,形成了难童救济教养工作政府与社会通力合作的局面,使难童救济教养工迅速有效地开展起来。 第二部分从难童救济教养机构、经费来源、机构管理、教养人才培训来阐述难童救济教养机构的概况,指出这一时期的难童救济教养机构众多、经费来源广泛、内部管理科学、注重教养人才培训。 第三部分说明了难童教养的具体内容,指出难童教养不仅关注养育,还要注重教育,其内容丰富,包括难童养育、教育、社会服务、升学、婚配几个方面。 第四部分则是对难童救济教养工作的评析,总结了抗战时期江西难童救济教养工作的特点及影响,并指出这项工作中存在的问题。 总之,抗战时期难童救济教养工作由政府主导、社会参与并且出现了新的救济方式和教养观念的结论。虽然由于救济机制的不完善,这一时期的难童救济教养工作存在一定的问题,但是这些问题并不能抹杀其历史功绩。抗战时期江西难童救济教养工作不仅延续了民族命脉、培养了国家建设人才,还对于江西儿童福利事业和妇女解放运动有深远的影响,并有力地支持了抗战。
[Abstract]:During the War of Resistance against Japan, due to the influence of war, natural disasters and stereotypes, Jiangxi produced a large number of difficult children, forming a tide of difficult children. The government and society pay special attention to the problem of difficult children. They not only give active relief to the poor children, but also give them proper upbringing, so that they can grow up healthily and develop in an all-round way. This paper takes Jiangxi's difficult children's relief and upbringing work during the Anti-Japanese War period as the research object, and combines the theories of social relief, children's education, child welfare and so on with the original materials and related works, such as archives, periodicals, etc. This paper probes into the background, the general situation of the organization and the concrete contents of the education of the difficult children in Jiangxi Province, and makes an objective assessment of its work. It is hoped that through the discussion of this article, people will deepen their understanding of the difficult child relief and upbringing work in Jiangxi during the Anti-Japanese War. The first part of the paper analyzes the background of the difficult child relief and upbringing from the origin of the difficult child problem, the government and the society's concern for the difficult child relief and upbringing. It is pointed out that war is the fundamental cause of the formation of difficult children, natural disasters are the hotbeds of the formation of difficult children, and the stereotypical ideas have aggravated the formation of difficult children. The government and society pay attention to the problem of difficult children, forming the situation of cooperation between the government and the society in the relief and upbringing of difficult children, so that the relief and reeducation work for the difficult children can be carried out quickly and effectively. The second part is from the institutions for the relief of difficult children and the sources of funds. Organization management, training of correctional personnel to explain the general situation of relief and correctional institutions for difficult children, pointing out that there were numerous relief and correctional institutions for difficult children in this period, with a wide range of sources of funding, and scientific internal management. The third part explains the specific contents of difficult child rearing, and points out that difficult child rearing not only pays attention to nurturing, but also pays attention to education, which is rich in content, including difficult child rearing, education, social service, and further education. The fourth part is an analysis of the difficult children's relief and upbringing work, summarizes the characteristics and effects of the difficult children's relief and upbringing work in Jiangxi during the War of Resistance against Japan, and points out the problems existing in this work. During the War of Resistance against Japan, the relief and upbringing of difficult children was led by the government, social participation and the conclusion of new relief methods and educational concepts appeared. Although there are some problems in this period because of the imperfection of relief mechanism, these problems can not erase its historical achievements. During the Anti-Japanese War, the relief and upbringing of difficult children in Jiangxi Province not only continued the national lifeline and trained the talents of national construction, but also had a profound influence on the cause of children's welfare and the movement of women's liberation in Jiangxi Province, and also supported the War of Resistance against Japan.


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