本文选题:土地改革 + 新疆 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:新中国成立之初,中国共产党为巩固新生的国家政权,面对一穷二白的国内经济,为了赢得人民的拥护,体现人民的利益,开展了废除封建土地占有制的土地改革。这次土地改革不仅废除了封建土地剥削制度,消灭了地主阶级,使亿万农民成为土地的主人,且极大地调动了广大农民的生产积极性,从根本上解放了农村的生产力,为建国初期国民经济的恢复和发展奠定了坚实的基础。 地处祖国西部边陲的新疆,于1949年在陶峙岳将军的带领下,通电起义,促成新疆和平解放。新疆和平解放后,社会秩序动荡不安:潜伏的反动势力在进行垂死挣扎,国民党反动派成立反革命组织,又加之土匪活动猖撅,扰乱社会秩序,威胁人民生命安全,破坏减租减息和生产建设。面对此种情形,和平解放后的新疆建立了人民民主政权,培养民族干部,剿匪反霸,为土地改革营造了十分安定的社会环境。按照党中央和西北局的指示和精神,新疆分局作出了一系列重要的决策,展开了减租反霸斗争,为土地改革奠定了基础。 由于新疆的社会性质和社会状况的特定历史因素,农民政治觉悟较低,又缺乏有经验的干部,在新疆这块土地上,宗教观念较重,进行土地改革,在初期并没有那么顺利。在深入调查,进行细致的宣传发动工作以后,新疆于1952年9月15日起在288个乡试办土改,于1953年1月底结束。自1953年1月起,历时三个月,在543个乡进行第二期土改。自1953年4月起到7月底,在532个乡进行第三期土改。这个阶段由于正值农忙季节,土改工作暂停,广大干部亲自参加劳动生产,农忙过后,土改继续进行。第四期,自1953年8月到12月底,完成了最后157个农业乡的土改任务。在进行第四期土改的同时,从9月开始,进行土改复查工作。新疆的土改一般经历了宣传党的土改政策,发动与组织群众、划分阶级成分、没收征收土地和财产、土地及财产的分配、建立健全乡村各种组织五个阶段。 新疆和平解放后的土地改革是新疆历史上唯一一次土地改革,它也是建国后全国土地改革的一部分。 本文从新疆和平解放后的土地改革为研究对象,重点梳理了新疆土改的历史进程。由于新疆特殊的民族、宗教文化特点以及复杂的历史条件,在开展土地改革时与内地相比较有着许多不同的特点。纵观新疆土地改革的过程,其成就毋庸置疑。农民经过土地改革获得了土地,改善了生活状况,使农村的土地占有制度合理化,彻底消灭了地主阶级,加强了民族团结,使干部得到了锻炼和提高。但由于主观和客观的原因,也不可避免的存在一些不足。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the founding of new China, the Communist Party of China, in order to consolidate the new state power, faced a poor and white domestic economy, in order to win the support of the people and embody the interests of the people, carried out the land reform to abolish the feudal land possession system. This land reform has not only abolished the feudal land exploitation system, destroyed the landlord class, and made millions of farmers. As the owner of the land, it has greatly mobilized the productive enthusiasm of the peasants, liberated the rural productivity fundamentally, and laid a solid foundation for the recovery and development of the national economy in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic.
Xinjiang, located in the western border of the motherland, under the leadership of general Tao Zhiyue in 1949, led to the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang. After the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang, the social order was unsettling: the latent reactionary forces were dying, the Kuomintang reactionaries set up the anti revolutionary organization, and the bandit activities were rampant, disrupting the social order and threatening the people. In the face of this situation, Xinjiang established the people's democratic regime after the peaceful liberation, fostering national cadres, fostering bandit and anti hegemony, and creating a very stable social environment for land reform. The Xinjiang branch made a series of important decisions in accordance with the instructions and spirit of the Party Central Committee and the Northwest Bureau. The struggle against rent and anti hegemonism was launched, laying the foundation for land reform.
Because of the specific historical factors of the social and social conditions of Xinjiang, the peasants' political consciousness is low and the experienced cadres are lacking. On this land of Xinjiang, the religious concept is heavy and the land reform is carried out in the early days. After in-depth investigation and meticulous propaganda and launch, Xinjiang has been in 2 since September 15, 1952. The land reform of the 88 local examinations was completed at the end of January 1953. Since January 1953, the land reform was carried out in 543 townships for three months. From April 1953 to the end of July, the soil reform was carried out in the third period in 532 townships. This stage has been suspended in the busy season of farming, the land reform work is suspended, and the vast majority of cadres have taken part in the labor production. After the busy farming, the soil reform continues to carry on. The fourth period, from August 1953 to the end of December, completed the land reform task of the last 157 agricultural townships. In the fourth period of land reform, the soil reform and reexamination began in September. The soil reform in Xinjiang generally experienced the propaganda of the party's land reform policy, the organization of the masses, the division of class composition, the confiscation of land and property, land and property. Distribution, establish and improve the five stages of various rural organizations.
The land reform after the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang is the only land reform in Xinjiang's history. It is also a part of the national land reform after the founding of the people's Republic of China.
From the land reform after the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang as the research object, this paper focuses on the historical process of the Xinjiang soil reform. Because of the special ethnic, religious and cultural characteristics and the complex historical conditions of Xinjiang, there are many different characteristics compared with the mainland in the course of land reform. In the process of land reform in Xinjiang, its achievements are no mean. It is doubted that farmers have obtained land through land reform, improved their living conditions, rationalized the system of land possession in the countryside, completely eliminated the landlord class, strengthened the national unity, and made the cadres exercise and improve. But because of the subjective and objective reasons, there are inevitably some shortcomings.
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