本文选题:清末民初 + 直隶 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 1901年,清政府迫于形势颁布兴学诏书,提出兴学育才为急需之务。1904年1月颁行“癸卯学制”,开始了全国范围内大规模的兴学运动。但由于经费不足、师资缺乏等因素,使新式小学堂的发展无法满足基础教育发展的需要。政府在兴学的过程中,逐渐认识到改良私塾这一传统资源对基础教育发展的补充作用。于是,直隶地区积极响应中央政策,改良私塾,以弥补新式教育发展的缺陷。 1902年11月,直隶学校司拟定《直隶省小学堂暂行章程》,令各州县书院和私塾改为新式小学堂,直隶私塾改良开始起步;1907年,直隶提学司颁布了《直隶提学司通饬各属实行改良私塾文》,直隶私塾改良工作逐步开展;随后,各县区因地制宜,制定了改良私塾的具体措施和方法,极大地推动了全省私塾改良工作地进行;民初政体渐趋稳定后,直隶私塾改良事宜进一步推进,私塾改良法令也相继出台。 直隶私塾改良的具体措施有很多种。首先,调查私塾是私塾改良的首要步骤,劝学所根据调查结果,对私塾进行认定;其次,教学改良是私塾改良中最重要的部分,通过改良私塾的教学内容和教学方法,使其与新式小学的教学划一,逐渐纳入新式教育的轨道;各地劝学员还要对已改良的私塾进行甄别、考核,分别优劣、拟定等级;设立私塾改良会、改良研究会、定期召开私塾观摩会,交流经验、以资互参;通过各种途径培训塾师,提高塾师素质。 直隶私塾改良取得了一定的成果,如:使私塾缩短了与新式学堂的距离;大量塾师提高了素质,壮大了教师队伍;增加了新式学堂数量,吸纳了更多的失学儿童;减轻政府的办学压力。在一定程度上,私塾改良的经验对当今的社会主义教育改革还具有借鉴作用。但仍有私塾大量存在、改良私塾虚有其表、地方对私塾改良敷衍了事、改良阻力大等问题。
[Abstract]:In 1901, the Qing government forced the situation to promulgate the imperial edict of establishing the school, and put forward that the establishment of the school education was a matter of urgent need. In January 1904, the "Gui Mao school system" was promulgated, and the nationwide large-scale initiation of the school movement began. However, due to the lack of funds and teachers, the development of new primary schools can not meet the needs of the development of basic education. In the process of starting school, the government gradually realized the supplementary role of the traditional resources of improving private schools to the development of basic education. As a result, Zhili region responded positively to the central policy and improved private schools in order to make up for the defects in the development of modern education. In November 1902, The Department of Zhili School drew up the Provisional articles of Association of Primary Schools in Zhili Province, which changed the state and county academies and private schools into new primary schools, and the improvement of private schools in Zhili began to start; in 1907, The Department of raising and Learning in Zhili promulgated the "improved Private Schools in Zhili," in which the improvement of private schools in Zhili was carried out step by step. Subsequently, the specific measures and methods of improving private schools were formulated in various counties and districts according to local conditions. Greatly promoted the province private school improvement work place; after the early Republic of China gradually stabilized, Zhili private school reform matters to further advance, private school reform laws have also been issued. There are many kinds of concrete measures for the improvement of private schools in Zhili. First of all, investigation of private schools is the first step in the reform of private schools. According to the results of the investigation, private schools are recognized as private schools. Secondly, teaching improvement is the most important part of private schools' reform. By improving the teaching content and teaching methods of private schools, To bring it into line with the teaching of new-style primary schools and gradually bring it into the track of new-style education; all localities urge students to screen out, assess and determine the merits and demerits of the improved private schools; and set up private schools reform associations and improvement research societies. Regular private schools to observe the exchange of experience, mutual reference; through various ways to train teachers, improve the quality of teachers. Some achievements have been made in the reform of private schools in Zhili, such as shortening the distance between private schools and new schools, increasing the quality of teachers, increasing the number of new schools and absorbing more out-of-school children. Reduce the pressure on the government to run a school. To a certain extent, the experience of private school reform can also be used for reference in the socialist education reform. However, there are still a large number of private schools.
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