发布时间:2018-06-20 13:15
本文选题:中日外交 + 洪宪帝制 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:袁世凯是清末民初政坛上的风云历史人物。在袁的政治生涯里,他的崛起与沉浮都和日本有着千丝万缕的联系,从他驻扎朝鲜起开始与日本接触到1916年洪宪帝制失败抑郁而死一直都和日本有关联。1914年至1916年是袁世凯筹划和实施帝制时期。帝国主义列强在洪宪帝制复辟这一问题上展开了激烈的对华外交,它们因为自己的侵略目标不同对待袁世凯帝制问题的态度也不同。而这一时期正是一战爆发时期,也是日本对外扩张时期。第一次世界大战爆发改变了帝国主义在远东的力量,欧美列强不得不将外交主导权让给日本。日本为了实现其在华的最大利益,在袁世凯帝制问题上态度数易其辙,举棋不定。日本对待帝制的态度数易其辙,赞成、怂恿、劝告、准备承认、警告、打倒排除皆有之,但是始终不变的是敌对的袁日关系和始终维护其在华利益:日本为了实现其在华的最大利益,在袁世凯帝制问题上态度数易其辙,举棋不定:当袁世凯有帝制自为之心时,日本极力怂恿袁世凯恢复帝制;当帝制运动公开时期未明朗化之前,日本实行两面政策;当帝制运动进入到实施阶段,日本便首先发难,联合除了美国以外的其它帝国主义向袁政府提出严重警告;当袁世凯撤销帝制时,中国国内反袁活动日益活跃时,日本决定倒袁,积极支持、鼓动革命党和宗社党等反对帝制。日本在袁世凯时期尤其是洪宪帝制时期的中日关系处理问题上呈现出反反复复的目的就是借机打倒日本侵华道路上的障碍物袁世凯以维持其侵略权益。 袁世凯时期的外交思想也就摆脱不了敌强我弱、敌众我寡的历史环境,基本实行的是晚清李鸿章的“维持外交”和“以夷制夷”的外交政策。袁世凯对野心勃勃的日本是非常反感,利用帝国主义在华的矛盾来巩固自己的政权,用英美来遏制野心勃勃的日本。但是面对变化无常的日本和黄袍加身的皇帝梦的诱惑,袁世凯对日本是一味地妥协与退让。这也反映一个封建旧官僚的情感的无奈和心理冲突。袁世凯理应洞悉日本在帝制问题上翻云覆雨,但因利令智昏地妄想称帝,置民族利益于不顾,与日本签订了丧权辱国的“二十一条”,对日本“暂缓称帝”的警告置若罔闻,最后袁世凯四面楚歌羞愤而死。洪宪帝制的失败有它违背历史客观规律的原因,其中绝大部分是因为以日本为首的列强对洪宪帝制的出尔反尔。善于玩弄权术的袁世凯也没能逃过日本的欺骗和玩弄。 本文论述了从辛亥革命时期到1916年袁世凯死后日本对华政策演变的具体过程,而且把袁世凯称帝这一时期的历史分为酝酿、公开实施、取消三个时期。论文的框架结构基本上是以时间为经,以日本对袁世凯态度变化为纬来论述。 本论文主要包括以下几部分: 第一章、主要介绍分析了袁日关系的历史渊源及日本对待中国国体的态度,论述袁日关系一直呈敌对关系,以及日本在辛亥革命时期赞成中国实行君主制。 第二章、主要介绍分析了洪宪帝制酝酿时期的中日外交,日本怂恿赞成袁世凯称帝,而袁为了换取日本对帝制的支持出卖国家主权与日本签订“二十一条”。 第三章、主要介绍分析了洪宪帝制公开实施时期的中日外交,日本在这时期对待帝制的态度比较复杂,由公开时期的两面政策到实施时期联合英俄等帝国主义列强共同干预,洪宪帝制却在如火如荼地进行,对强硬的日本丝毫不敢懈怠。 结语部分、主要介绍分析了洪宪帝制取消后的中日外交以及对这时期的中日外交有一个概括性总结。
[Abstract]:Yuan Shikai was a historical figure in the political arena of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. In his political career, his rise and sinking were all linked with Japan. From the beginning of his Garrison, he began to contact Japan with the failure of the monarchy of Hong Xian in 1916 and the death of Japan has been associated with Japan from.1914 to 1916 is Yuan Shikai planning and implementing the emperor. During the period of the system, the imperialist powers launched a fierce Chinese diplomacy on the restoration of the Hongxian monarchy. They were also different in their attitude to Yuan Shikai's monarchy because of their different targets of aggression. This period was the outbreak of the first World War and the period of Japan's external expansion. The first World War broke out of imperialism. In the power of the Far East, the European and American powers have to give up their diplomatic dominance to Japan. In order to achieve their greatest interests in China, Japan is easily the same in the Yuan Shikai monarchy. It is hostile to the relations between Yuan and Japan and always maintains its interests in China: in order to achieve its greatest interest in China, Japan is easy to do the same in the Yuan Shikai monarchy. When Yuan Shikai has the heart of monarchy, Japan strongly encourages Yuan Shikai to restore the monarchy; before the open period of the imperial movement, Japan practiced two sides When Yuan Shikai revoked monarchy, when the anti yuan activities in China were increasingly active, Japan decided to reverse yuan, actively supported, and encouraged the revolutionary party and the sac party to oppose monarchy. Japan was in yuan. The treatment of Sino Japanese relations in the period of the world's Kai Dynasty, especially in the period of the monarchy of the Hong Xian, showed the purpose of restoring and recovering the obstacle Yuan Shikai on the road of Japan invading China in order to maintain its aggressive rights and interests.
The diplomatic thought of Yuan Shikai's period could not get rid of the enemy's strong, weak, widowed historical environment, and basically implemented the foreign policy of "maintaining diplomacy" and "making Yi Yi to the barbarians" in the late Qing Dynasty. Yuan Shikai was very antipathetic to the ambitious Japanese, and used the contradiction of imperialism in China to consolidate his political power and use Britain and the United States. To contain the ambitious Japan, but in the face of the temptation of the changeable Japanese and Yellow Emperor's dream, Yuan Shikai compromises and concessions to Japan. It also reflects the helpless and psychological conflict of the emotion of a feudal old bureaucrat. Yuan Shikai should be aware of the Japanese in the monarchy problem. In disregard of the interests of the nation, the emperor signed the "Twenty-one articles" with the Japanese in disregard of the country's "reprieve the emperor". At last Yuan Shikai died of shame and anger. The failure of the monarchy of Hong Xian had its reasons for violating the objective laws of history, and the great part of the imperial system was the monarchy of Hong Xian, led by Japan. Yuan Shikai, who is good at playing politics, failed to escape Japan's cheating and playing tricks.
This article discusses the specific process of the evolution of Japan's policy towards China from the period of the 1911 Revolution to the 1916 after Yuan Shikai's death, and divides the history of Yuan Shikai's emperor's emperor in this period into three periods. The framework of the paper is mainly time, and the change of Yuan Shikai's attitude.
This paper mainly includes the following parts:
In the first chapter, the historical origin of yuan and Japanese relations and the attitude of Japan to the Chinese country are mainly introduced and analyzed. The relationship between Yuan and Japan has been shown to be hostile, and Japan is in favour of the monarchy in China during the 1911 Revolution.
The second chapter mainly introduces and analyzes the Sino Japanese diplomacy during the period of the brewing of Hong Xian monarchy. Japan instigates Yuan Shikai to be the emperor, and Yuan has signed "Twenty-one" in exchange for the Japanese support for the monarchy to sell the national sovereignty and Japan.
The third chapter mainly introduces and analyzes the Sino Japanese diplomacy during the period of the public implementation of Hong Xian monarchy. In this period, Japan's attitude towards monarchy is more complex. From the two policies of the public period to the implementation period, the imperialist powers, such as Britain and Russia and other imperialist powers, intervene together, but Hong Xian monarchy is in full swing and does not slack out on the tough Japan.
The conclusion part mainly introduces the Sino Japanese Diplomacy after the abolition of Hong Xian's monarchy and a general summary of Sino Japanese diplomacy in this period.
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