
发布时间:2018-06-30 19:39

  本文选题:解放战争时期 + 中共 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:基层社会是构成整个社会的基础,它正常运行与否直接影响着整个国家稳定与繁荣。基层政权承载着国家管理基层社会、关爱基层民众的重要使命,因此,历届政府均十分关注基层政权建设。解放战争时期,中国东北成为国共两党争夺和角逐的重要区域,能否得到基层民众的支持,关系到国共两党能否在东北立稳脚跟,掌握国家未来走向。中共基于对形势的正确判断,在东北战略的指导下,率先将目光聚焦基层社会,着手建立基层政权,关爱基层民众,唤起民众投身革命的热情,进而推进革命形势的向前发展。 本文综合运用历史学、政治学、社会学等多学科理论对中共解放战争时期东北基层政权建设从历史条件入手,分析梳理随着东北解放战争历史进程的演进基层政权建设时段性特点以及持续发展,剖析解放战争时期东北基层政权建设特点及成效。本文具体内容涵盖以下几个方面: 绪言:通过梳理前人的研究成果,考察解放战争时期中共东北基层政权建设研究的学术研究价值和社会价值所在,界定相关概念。 第一章:考察东北基层政权建设的社会历史条件,即民国以来东北基层政权的演变;抗战胜利前后的东北形势;抗战后东北基层社会的破败中共基层政权建设理论的成熟等。 第二章:考察东北基层政权的创立和初步发展,具体考察东北基层政权建设的境遇转换;基层民主政权的最初创立和初步发展;基层政权工作的开展,即清剿土匪反奸除霸巩固初创的基层政权;强化社会动员发展群众运动;改造培养基层干部提升基层政权运行效率等。 第三章:研究东北基层政权的巩固与发展,具体考察这一时期国共东北角力与基层社会形势的变化,在此基础上基层政权组织的调适与完善,即摧毁改造旧政权,,大力发展农会组织;推进土地改革,增进人民认同;建立区村基层政权。在综合考察的基础上,总结出这期间东北基层政权建设亟待改进之处。 第四章:重点研究1948年12—1949年10期间东北基层政权的完善与成熟,具体考察东北全境解放与基层政权建设新局面的到来,完备的基层政权组织的建立,即权力机关初步确立;建立起较为完善的县区行政体系;建立起日臻完善的司法系统等。并分析这一时期基层政权的运行状况等。 第五章:对解放战争时期东北基层政权建设评析,即分析解放战争时期东北基层政权建设的特点;对解放战争时期东北基层政权建设的积极作用进行评析;在此基础上对东北基层政权建设进行历史反思。 结语:对解放战争时期中共东北基层政权建设活动进行分析,得出本文的结论。
[Abstract]:Grass-roots society is the foundation of the whole society, and its normal operation directly affects the stability and prosperity of the whole country. Grass-roots regime carries the important mission of the state to manage the grass-roots society and care for the grassroots people. Therefore, successive governments have paid great attention to the construction of grass-roots regime. During the War of Liberation, Northeast China became an important area for the KMT and CPC to compete for and compete. Whether or not it can get the support of the grassroots people is related to whether the KMT and the CPC can establish a firm foothold in the Northeast and master the future trend of the country. Based on the correct judgment of the situation, under the guidance of the northeast strategy, the Communist Party of China took the lead in focusing on the grass-roots society, setting up the grass-roots regime, caring for the grassroots people, arousing the enthusiasm of the masses to join in the revolution, and then pushing forward the development of the revolutionary situation. This paper makes comprehensive use of the theories of history, political science, sociology and other disciplines to begin with the historical conditions for the construction of grass-roots political power in Northeast China during the liberation war of the Communist Party of China. With the evolution of the historical process of the Northeast Liberation War, this paper analyzes the characteristics and sustainable development of the grass-roots regime construction in Northeast China, and analyzes the characteristics and results of the grass-roots regime construction in the Northeast during the Liberation War. The specific contents of this paper cover the following aspects: introduction: by combing the previous research results, this paper examines the academic and social value of the study on the construction of the grass-roots regime in Northeast China during the War of Liberation, and defines the relevant concepts. The first chapter examines the social and historical conditions of the construction of the grass-roots regime in Northeast China, that is, the evolution of the grass-roots regime in the Northeast since the Republic of China, the situation in the Northeast before and after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and the maturity of the theory of the construction of the grass-roots regime of the Communist Party of China after the Anti-Japanese War. Chapter two: to investigate the establishment and initial development of the grass-roots regime in Northeast China, and to investigate the situation transformation of the grass-roots regime construction in the Northeast, the initial establishment and initial development of the grass-roots democratic regime, the development of the grass-roots political power work, That is, to eliminate bandits, resist traitors, remove tyrants and consolidate the initial grass-roots regime; to strengthen social mobilization and develop mass movements; to reform and train cadres at the grass-roots level to enhance the operational efficiency of the grass-roots regime, and so on. The third chapter studies the consolidation and development of the grass-roots regime in Northeast China, and investigates the changes of the northeast corner of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China and the social situation at the grass-roots level. On this basis, the adjustment and improvement of the grass-roots political power organization, that is, the destruction and transformation of the old regime, are studied. Vigorously develop peasant association organizations; promote land reform and promote people's identity; establish grass-roots political power in district and village. On the basis of comprehensive investigation, summed up the Northeast grassroots regime construction needs to be improved during this period. The fourth chapter focuses on the perfection and maturity of the basic political power in Northeast China from 12 to 1949 in 1948, specifically investigates the arrival of the new situation of liberation and the construction of the grass-roots regime in Northeast China, and the establishment of the complete grass-roots political power organization, that is, the preliminary establishment of the power organs; Establish a more perfect administrative system of county and district, and establish a more perfect judicial system. And analyzes this one period grass-roots political power movement condition and so on. The fifth chapter analyzes the characteristics of the construction of the grass-roots regime in Northeast China during the Liberation War, analyzes the positive role of the construction of the grass-roots regime in the Northeast during the War of Liberation, and analyzes the characteristics of the construction of the grass-roots regime in the Northeast during the War of Liberation. On this basis, the construction of the northeast grassroots regime for historical reflection. Conclusion: the conclusion of this paper is given by analyzing the construction activities of the basic political power in Northeast China during the War of Liberation.


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