本文选题:晚清 + 捻军 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 捻军是晚清咸同时期活跃在黄淮地区的一支武装力量,对清朝政府形成极大威胁。山东也是捻军活动的主战场之一,1860年以后捻军时常大规模窜扰山东,特别是1861年和1867年捻军两次深入山东腹地,对山东社会产生了极大冲击。 文章分为四章。第一章,主要讲述道咸时期山东社会状况。主要从人文和社会两个层面,以政治、经济、自然灾害作为切入点,讲述捻军之所以在山东活动的背景,认为正是清政府统治的腐败、经济剥削的加重和自然灾害的打击才使捻军在山东常年窜扰成为可能。 第二章主要叙述捻军在山东活动和清政府平定捻军的历程。捻军在山东活动大致可分为咸丰时期、僧格林沁主剿时期、曾国藩主剿时期和李鸿章主剿时期共四个阶段。捻军在咸丰年间只是小规模窜扰山东西部地区,这期间,清政府对捻军防剿措施主要是督饬各地方官尽力剿杀本境内作乱的捻军。从1860年以后直至1868年,捻军便经常大规模窜扰山东了,其中在1861年和1867年,捻军曾两次深入包括胶东地区在内的山东腹地,而清政府为了早日解决捻军问题,也改变了平剿策略,这期间相继任命僧格林沁、曾国藩、李鸿章为剿捻钦差大臣,统筹包括山东在内的诸省官军剿捻。曾国藩采用河防之策,后来李鸿章继承这一策略并完善之,最终于1868年在山东茌平地方剿灭捻军。 第三章主要探讨捻军在山东活动时,山东地方官员对捻军的防剿。山东地方官员,包括省级官员和基层官员对捻军窜扰都有防御。省级官员主要是组织山东地方兵、勇防剿捻军,而地方基层官员主要是组织团练,加强地方防御。此外,当捻军在晚期深入山东腹地窜扰后,基于对地方利益的保护,山东官员在剿捻问题上与钦差大臣既有合作,更有分歧和冲突,这种分歧和冲突主要体现在是否要以牺牲山东地方社会的利益为代价来换取政府剿捻战争的胜利。 第四章主要是探讨捻军在山东活动时,山东普通民众对捻军的态度和行为。一方面,当捻军窜扰山东时,一些民众起而响应,或者加入捻军,或者组织队伍,反抗政府统治,这些群众多是来自黄运沿线地区,由于常年受到自然灾害等多重灾难的打击,迫于生存压力便走上与政府对抗之路。另一方面,更多的普通民众,为了躲避战乱,免受兵燹之苦,在地方士绅的带领下,纷纷组织团练,以此保卫桑梓。山东地方士绅在捻军窜扰期间,在沟通政府与民众之间共同御捻、在维系地方社会之稳定等方面发挥着重要作用。 总之,晚清时期捻军入鲁对当时的山东社会产生了较大影响。捻军曾数次大规模窜扰山东,捻军所到之处,地方社会饱受战乱之苦。捻军被清政府平息后,政府通过采取奖叙出力官员和褒奖地方忠烈,重整地方政权机构,完善社会保障等措施,以期恢复地方正常社会秩序。山东地方社会在平定捻军后经历着一场变革。
[Abstract]:Xianjun was an armed force active in Huanghuai area in the same period of the late Qing Dynasty, which posed a great threat to the Qing government. Shandong is also one of the main battlefields of the activities of the Nian Army. After 1860, it often disturbed Shandong on a large scale, especially in 1861 and 1867, it went deep into the hinterland of Shandong, which had a great impact on the society of Shandong. The article is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is mainly about the social situation of Shandong during the period of Daoxian. Mainly from the humanities and social levels, with political, economic and natural disasters as the starting point, the background of the activities of the Xiujun in Shandong is described, which is considered to be the corruption under the rule of the Qing government. The aggravation of economic exploitation and the strike of natural disaster make it possible for the twisting army in Shandong Province to harass all the year round. The second chapter mainly narrates the activities of the Nian Army in Shandong and the Qing government's process of calming down the Nian Army. The activities of Nian Army in Shandong can be divided into four stages: Xianfeng period, Sanghelin period, Zeng Guofan period and Li Hongzhang period. During the Xianfeng period, the Xianjun invaded the western part of Shandong Province on a small scale. During this period, the Qing government mainly ordered the local officials to do their best to suppress the rebels in their own territory. From 1860 to 1868, the Nian Army frequently harassed Shandong on a large scale. In 1861 and 1867, the Nian Army had twice penetrated into the hinterlands of Shandong, including the Jiaodong region, and the Qing government was trying to solve the problem of the Jiao Jun at an early date. During this period, Sanghrenqin, Zeng Guofan, and Li Hongzhang were appointed as ministers of suppression, coordinating the suppression of all provincial officials and armies, including Shandong. Zeng Guofan adopted the strategy of river control, which Li Hongzhang succeeded and perfected, and finally eliminated the twist army in Chiping, Shandong province in 1868. The third chapter mainly discusses the anti-suppression by local officials in Shandong. Local officials in Shandong, including provincial officials and grassroots officials, are defensive against the intrusions of the Nian Army. Provincial officials mainly organize local troops in Shandong province, and local grass-roots officials mainly organize regiment training to strengthen local defense. In addition, when the Nian Army went deep into the hinterland of Shandong in the late period, because of the protection of local interests, Shandong officials not only cooperated with the Imperial Minister on the suppression of twist, but also had differences and conflicts. The differences and conflicts are mainly reflected in whether to sacrifice the interests of local society in Shandong Province for the victory of the government's war of suppression. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the attitude and behavior of ordinary people in Shandong. On the one hand, when the Nian Army scrambled to disturb Shandong, some people responded. They either joined the Army or organized a contingent to resist government rule. Most of these people came from areas along the Yellow River and were hit by disasters such as natural disasters all the year round. Under pressure to survive, he embarked on the road of confrontation with the government. On the other hand, more ordinary people, in order to avoid the war, under the leadership of the local gentry, organized a regiment to defend Zi Sang. The local gentry in Shandong played an important role in the communication between the government and the people and in maintaining the stability of the local society. In a word, the late Qing Dynasty had a great influence on Shandong society. Twist army has several large-scale harassment of Shandong, where the twist army, local society suffered from the war. After the Qing government quelled the Nian Army, the government took measures to restore the local normal social order by offering awards to the officials and giving praise to the local loyal martyrs, reforming the local political institutions, and perfecting the social security system. Shandong local society is experiencing a revolution after calming down the twisting army.
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