[Abstract]:A great revolutionary war must be matched by a great propaganda and agitation, The War of Liberation of the Chinese people between 1945 and 1949 can be said to be a great and brilliant revolutionary war among the new-democratic revolution led by the Communist Party of China, which finally won a national victory in China's new-democratic revolution. The victory of this great revolutionary war can not be separated from the effective propaganda work led by the Communist Party of China. Judging from the period of the War of Liberation and this war, the people's Liberation Army was able to stand out under the circumstances that the superiority and inferiority of the weapons and equipment of Xiaomi plus rifles over planes and tanks and the great disparity in the number of troops and the strong and weak enemy forces are very prominent. In a relatively short period of time, we won the final victory by destroying more than 8 million Kuomintang troops, except for war justice, more assistance in war, bravery and good war, and proper command. Good political work, especially successful propaganda, is a very important reason. From the propaganda of the post-war situation, the opposition to civil war dictatorship and the struggle for peace and democracy at the beginning of the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, to the victory over the military struggle after the outbreak of the full-scale civil war, the propaganda of the people's Democratic Movement and the Land Reform Movement in the areas under the control of the State. Before the victory of the revolution to establish the new China, the Party's policies and other aspects of propaganda for the future of new China. The propaganda work under the leadership of the Party has won a broader mass base and gained political initiative, thus laying a solid foundation for the victory of the War of Liberation. Under the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee, Mao Zedong, the Party accumulated rich experience in the great historical practice of propaganda during the War of Liberation. It is emphasized that the historical experience of the Party's propaganda work during the War of Liberation is still of great practical significance and reference to the Party's propaganda and ideological work in the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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