发布时间:2018-07-18 15:19
【摘要】: “9·18”事变后,日本建设的朝鲜族集团部落是日本殖民统治东北朝鲜族农村的一个缩影,它不仅是日本殖民政策的特殊历史产物,又是对广大朝鲜族农民进行殖民统治的历史见证。因此,本论文拟从日伪时期朝鲜族集团部落的角度,对日伪时期朝鲜族农村的畸形发展史进行系统考察,以填补朝鲜族村落史研究的不足,揭开日本“统制”东北朝鲜族农民的真面目。 在建设朝鲜族集团部落时,由于日本以政治上“保护”、经济上“救济”、教育上“支持”、卫生上“改善”为幌子进行,使许多人产生了错误的认识,再加上日本军国主义长期的美化宣传,掩盖其本质,这不仅不利于进一步揭露日本的侵略罪行,而且有害于汉、朝民族团结。因此对它的研究具有较高的学术价值和一定的现实意义。 本论文共分四章。第一章主要阐述了日本建设东北朝鲜族集团部落的社会背景。首先,以“9·18”事变前朝鲜族村落的形成过程及分布特征为主要内容,阐明东北各地朝鲜族聚集村落的形成与发展。聚集村落是朝鲜族人民在中国东北开创的自然性村落,具有以地缘为基础的同乡聚居村落和同族聚居村落的特点,并分布在有利于水田开发的大小河流及支流沿岸;其次,通过叙述日本长期采取“统制”与“利用”东北朝鲜族的政策,扩大自己在东北的势力范围,以保护“日本臣民”为由,干涉中国内政,导致中国人误认为朝鲜族是日本侵华的“尖兵”和外交冲突的“祸根”,加以“驱逐”和“迫害”,使朝汉民族关系恶化;在“9·18”事变中,广大朝鲜族村落成为东北军溃兵及土匪袭击的主要目标,使东北朝鲜族社会出现大量“难民”的全过程,阐明了东北朝鲜族人民蒙受不白之冤的根本原因;再次,阐述“9·18”事变后,东北朝鲜族村落遭受严重破坏,大量朝鲜族“避难民”涌入城市及铁路沿线或返回朝鲜国内,严重威胁日本殖民地“满洲国”和朝鲜国内治安稳定的社会背景。同时阐明了在朝鲜国内舆论及朝鲜民众声援东北朝鲜族“难民”活动等政治压力下,朝鲜总督府视对东北朝鲜族的统治就是朝鲜国内殖民统治的延长线,积极采取“统制”与“安定”东北朝鲜族的政策。总之,本章阐述了日本为了稳定殖民地治安,首先从收容“赤化的祸根”朝鲜族农民开始,建设集团部落的社会背景。 第二章主要阐述了日本推行集团部落政策的过程。首先,剖析日本推行“集团部落”政策的目的。1.诠释“集团部落”名称的内容,阐明集团部落的强制性和歧视性;2.日本以“救济”和“保护”朝鲜族“难民”为幌子建设的集团部落,就是在东北朝鲜族社会扩大自己势力范围,收容东北各地散居的朝鲜族从而进行“统制”;3.日本在建设集团部落中特别注重“治安第一主义”,组织武装自卫团,甚至设置警察所,建设围墙及碉堡,表面上是维护村落的安全,实际上是为了断绝人民群众与抗日部队的联系;4.日本建设朝鲜移民“模范农村”,不仅可以赢得朝鲜人民的欢心,也以它为“版本”向全东北推广集团部落建设模式;其次,通过宏观地阐述朝鲜总督府资助“东劝”和“东拓”在东北地区建设朝鲜族集团部落的过程、经营方式、村落规模、警备状况及奴化教育设施等的基础上,进一步对典型的营口农村进行微观地分析,阐明朝鲜总督府“集团部落”的特点:朝鲜总督府通过集团部落建设,收容朝鲜族“难民”,政治上赢得朝鲜人民的欢心,加强了日本殖民地统治;军事上利用集团部落抗衡抗日根据地的发展,控制和蚕食抗日根据地,并分布于日本移民的第二地带和第三地带,成为日军维护铁路及交通要道的“桥头堡”;再次,通过阐述伪满洲国建设集团部落的目的、建设过程及经营方式,阐明伪满洲国建设集团部落也是从朝鲜族集聚区开始的特点。总之,日本通过第一期的集团部落建设,基本收容完东北各地的朝鲜族避难民,并利用建设集团部落控制和蚕食抗日根据地,为进一步扩建集团部落打下了“牢固基础”。 第三章主要阐述了朝鲜开拓民与集团部落扩建的过程。首先,研究了满鲜拓殖株式会社经营的集团移民部落状况(1937—1941年)。日本为了控制越来越多的东北朝鲜族移民,把原来对朝鲜移民的“放任自流”政策,改为“新规入殖”政策。通过对朝鲜开拓民“新规入殖”-政策的出台及朝鲜开拓民集团部落建设过程、建设规模、建设位置、移民形式及先住朝鲜移民的集结部落的建设过程等问题的研究,阐明日本以建设朝鲜开拓民集团部落,控制朝鲜开拓民的规模及分布地点,防止朝鲜开拓民妨碍日本百万户移民计划的实施;其次,研究了满洲拓殖公社经营的集团部落的状况(1942—1945年)。这一时期,由于太平洋战争的爆发,东北完全成为日本战争的后方基地,随着战争的激化,日本越来越加强对朝鲜开拓民集团部落的“统制”,可以说满洲拓殖公社经营时期是集团部落建设的最后时期;再次,阐明了朝鲜开拓民集团部落的特点:1.朝鲜开拓团集团部落的形成过程与日军的“治安肃正”工作有紧密联系,朝鲜开拓民集团部落在抗日联军的活动地区集中建设,成了日军“讨伐”抗日联军的前哨基地。2.补充日本移民之不足,以日本移民第二地带为主,最终分布在整个日本人移民地带。1940年之前,为了不妨碍日本移民计划和配合日军的“治安肃正”,朝鲜开拓民集团部落大部分建设在中东铁道以南的延边地区和东边道地区,1940年之后,为了补充日本移民之不足,集中建设在北满地区。3.日本利用朝鲜南部农民扩建集团部落,不仅可以缓解朝鲜国内的民族矛盾,还可以利用于日军的“治安肃正”工作。4.朝鲜开拓民集团部落村名有浓厚的移民特征。日本通过“满鲜拓”、“满拓公社”等半国家型殖民会社,经营朝鲜开拓民集团部落,控制朝鲜开拓民的规模及分布地点,防止朝鲜开拓民妨碍日本百万户移民计划的实施,使广大朝鲜族农民在指定的地区内,受残酷的剥削和“统制”。本章节从宏观和微观两个方面对“满洲国”建设朝鲜开拓民集团部落的目的、统治机构、“统制”方式、分布特点等进行了详细的叙述,阐明了日本利用朝鲜开拓民集团部落,进行产业开发和“讨伐”抗日联军的本质。 第四章主要探讨了日伪时期朝鲜族集团部落的作用及其影响。首先,研究了集团部落对反满抗日部队的危害。日军针对抗日武装部队在中国共产党的领导下,以广大人民群众为后盾,从抗日游击队发展成东北人民革命军及东北抗日联军的特点,不断加强集团部落的建设。他们不仅加强防御围墙、壕沟、碉堡等设施的建设,还进一步提高自卫团的素质,配合日军的“治安肃正”工作,甚至大量移民受奴化教育时间相对长的朝鲜南部农民,建设朝鲜开拓民集团部落,使广大朝鲜开拓民成了日军“讨伐”抗日部队的“挡箭牌”;其次,研究了集团部落限制一切人身自由的保甲制度和居民出入、购物、售物等其他各种制度,揭露所谓“自耕农创定”的实质,阐明集团部落是日本帝国主义“统制”和剥削东北朝鲜族农民的“集中营”实态;再次,研究集团部落对东北水田开发的影响;1.阐述“9.18”事变前,朝鲜移民把东北的水田事业逐渐发展壮大的过程及规模。2.阐述了日本殖民会社霸占东北适合开发水田的土地,以自己的需求来控制大米的生产。特别是以“维持治安”为名,把不少的南部朝鲜移民“新规入殖”在“间岛”与“东边道”等不适合水田耕作的山岳地带和北满寒冷地区,还把散居在适合水田的日本移民预定地的朝鲜族农民集结在指定的地点建设集团部落,使伪满洲国水田事业畸形发展。通过研究集团部落对东北水田开发的影响,澄清了一些对日本侵略者开发东北水田的错误认识。日本大量移民朝鲜南部农民,使人们误认为是为了改善朝鲜人民的生活水平,开发东北水田事业。但是,通过对朝鲜水田劳动力人口及入殖地区限制政策和集团部落耕作品种,不难看出日本一方面利用朝鲜南部移民,经济上牟取暴利。另一方面,一旦涉及到日本移民和影响日本国内的大米价格,就限制朝鲜南部移民耕作水田。因此,日本政府移民朝鲜南部农民的主要目的是为了缓解朝鲜国内民族矛盾和阶级矛盾。最后,研究了集团部落对朝鲜族传统村落文化的摧残。1.日本在集团部落里进行“皇民化运动”的内容,如:废除反日学校,建立奴化教育基地学校,对集团部落强化实施“忠君爱国”教育等。为消灭朝鲜民族意识,从根本上铲除其反日思想,日本从教学内容、学校机构、神社堂和协和会的建立等诸多方面采取了“皇民化”的措施,驱使朝鲜族充当侵略战争的炮灰,成为镇压东北人民的工具和推行殖民统治政策的帮凶;2.集团部落对朝鲜族农民传统习惯的的影响。首先,阐述集团部落对朝鲜族传统建村地域及建村形态的影响;其次,阐述集团部落对朝鲜族传统衣食文化及卫生等诸方面的影响。 总之,本文利用大量新发掘的地方档案等珍贵资料,对日伪时期东北朝鲜族集团部落的历史过程进行了较为系统和全面的论述,填补了朝鲜族村落史研究中的一个空白领域,对丰富和充实朝鲜族斗争史、迁移史的研究具有一定的学术价值。
[Abstract]:After the " 9.18 " Incident , the Korean Group Tribes built in Japan is a miniature of the Korean village in the northeast of Japan . It is not only a special historical product of Japanese colonial policy , but also a historical witness to the colonial rule of Korean farmers .
In the construction of the tribes of the Korean nationality , because of the political " protection " , economic " relief " , " support " and " improvement " in the economy under the guise of " improvement " in Japan , many people have produced wrong awareness , and added with the long - term glorification of Japanese militarists to conceal its essence , which is not only detrimental to the further disclosure of Japanese aggression crimes , but also harmful to the Chinese and the national unity . Therefore , the study has high academic value and practical significance .
This thesis is divided into four chapters . The first chapter mainly expounds the social background of the Korean group tribes in the northeast of Japan . First , the formation and development of the Korean ethnic group villages in the northeast of China are set forth . First , the formation and development of the Korean people ' s gathering villages in the northeast of China are expounded . The agglomeration village is the natural village which the Korean people opened in the northeast of China .
Secondly , by describing Japan ' s long - term " unification " and " utilizing " the policy of " utilizing " the north - east Korean nationality to expand its sphere of influence in the northeast , so as to protect " Japanese subjects " from interfering in China ' s internal affairs , the Chinese people mistakenly believe that the Korean nationality is the " evil root " of Japan ' s invasion of China and the " evil root " of diplomatic conflict .
In the " 9.18 " incident , the majority of the Korean village villages became the main target of the attack of the soldiers of the Northeast Army and the bandits , so that the whole process of large numbers of " refugees " appeared in the Korean society in the northeast , and the root causes of the unjust cause of the Korean people in the Northeast were expounded .
At the same time , the article expounds the social background of the Korean nationality in the northeast of Korea under the political pressure of the Korean nationality in North Korea and the Korean nationality in the northeast of Korea .
The second chapter mainly expounds the process of the group ' s tribal policy in Japan . Firstly , the purpose of the policy of " Group Tribes " is analyzed in Japan . 1 . The content of the name of " Group Tribes " is interpreted , and the mandatory and discriminatory of the group tribes are elucidated ;
2 . A group of tribes built under the guise of " relief " and " protection " of the Korean refugees is the expansion of their sphere of influence in the Korean society in the north - east and the settlement of the Korean families scattered around the north - eastern part of the north - east , so as to carry out " unification " ;
3 . Japan attaches particular importance to " security first doctrine " in the group of building groups , organizes armed self - defence groups , even sets up police stations , construction of walls and blockhouses , on the surface the maintenance of village security , in fact in order to break the link between the people and the anti - Japanese forces ;
4 . Japan ' s construction of Korean immigrants " model countryside " can not only win the hearts of the Korean people , but also promote the group ' s tribal construction model to the Northeast by " version " ;
Secondly , through the macro - analysis of the process , mode of operation , the scale of village , the situation of police and the facilities of the Korean nationality in Northeast China , the author further analyzes the typical rural areas , and expounds the characteristics of the " Group Tribes " of the general government of the DPRK : through the construction of the group tribe , the host Korean " refugees " , the political won the hearts of the Korean people , and strengthened the Japanese colonial rule ;
The military uses the Group ' s tribal anti - Japanese base areas to develop , control and silkworm the anti - Japanese base areas , and distribute them to the second and third zones of the Japanese immigrants , which serve as the " bridge " for the Japanese army to maintain the railway and the main road .
Thirdly , through the elaboration of the aim , the construction process and the mode of operation of the group tribes of the puppet Manchukuo Group , it is stated that the clan of the puppet Manchukuo Group is also the feature of the beginning of the Korean agglomeration area . In conclusion , Japan has built a " firm foundation " for further expansion of the group ' s tribes through the first group of tribal construction , basically hosting the Korean refugees from all parts of the Northeast , and using the tribal control of the construction group and the anti - Japanese base areas .
In the third chapter , the process of expanding the people and group tribes in North Korea is described . First , the status of the group migrant tribes ( 1937 - 1941 ) which is operated by the full - fresh development Co . , Ltd . is studied . In order to control the growing number of Korean immigrants in Northeast China , Japan has changed the " let - off " policy of Korean immigrants to " new regulation " policy .
Secondly , the status of Group Tribes ( 1942 - 1945 ) was studied . During this period , because of the outbreak of the Pacific War , the Northeast has become the rear base of Japan ' s war , and with the intensification of the war , Japan has strengthened the " unified system " of the North Korea ' s exploitation of the tribes of the People ' s Group , and it can be said that the operation period of the whole continent is the last period of the Group ' s tribal construction ;
In order not to obstruct Japan ' s migration plan and to cooperate with the Japanese army ' s " peace and security " , the Korea opened up the ethnic group in the south of the Middle East Railway . In 1940 , to supplement the Japanese immigrants ' shortage , it could not only alleviate the country ' s national contradiction , but also be able to use the Korean farmers to exploit and distribute the people in the region .
The fourth chapter mainly discusses the role and influence of the tribes of the Korean nationality group in the period of the Japanese Pseudo Period . First of all , the damage of the group clan to the anti - Japanese forces is studied . The Japanese army , under the leadership of the Communist Party of China , develops into the Northeast People ' s Revolutionary Army and the Northeast Anti - Japanese Joint Army .
Secondly , the paper studies the protection system and the residents ' access , shopping and sale of all personal freedom in the group tribes , and exposes the essence of the so - called " self - cultivation agriculture creation " , and expounds that the group clan is the " centralized " real state of the Japanese imperialism " unified system " and the exploitation of the northeast Korean farmers ;
Thirdly , study the influence of group tribes on the development of northeast paddy field ;
On the other hand , by studying the influence of group tribes on the development of Korean traditional village culture , the paper clarifies the influence of group tribes on the development of Korean traditional village culture .
2 . The influence of group tribes on the traditional customs of Korean farmers . First , the influence of group tribes on the regional and village forms of Korean traditional villages is expounded .
Secondly , it expounds the influence of group tribes on the traditional clothing culture and health of Korean nationality .
In short , this paper makes a systematic and comprehensive exposition of the historical process of the tribes of the Korean nationality group in the northeast of Japan by using a lot of valuable information , such as local archives , and fills up a blank field in the study of Korean village history , which has certain academic value to enrich and enrich the history of Korean struggle and the study of migration history .
[Abstract]:After the " 9.18 " Incident , the Korean Group Tribes built in Japan is a miniature of the Korean village in the northeast of Japan . It is not only a special historical product of Japanese colonial policy , but also a historical witness to the colonial rule of Korean farmers .
In the construction of the tribes of the Korean nationality , because of the political " protection " , economic " relief " , " support " and " improvement " in the economy under the guise of " improvement " in Japan , many people have produced wrong awareness , and added with the long - term glorification of Japanese militarists to conceal its essence , which is not only detrimental to the further disclosure of Japanese aggression crimes , but also harmful to the Chinese and the national unity . Therefore , the study has high academic value and practical significance .
This thesis is divided into four chapters . The first chapter mainly expounds the social background of the Korean group tribes in the northeast of Japan . First , the formation and development of the Korean ethnic group villages in the northeast of China are set forth . First , the formation and development of the Korean people ' s gathering villages in the northeast of China are expounded . The agglomeration village is the natural village which the Korean people opened in the northeast of China .
Secondly , by describing Japan ' s long - term " unification " and " utilizing " the policy of " utilizing " the north - east Korean nationality to expand its sphere of influence in the northeast , so as to protect " Japanese subjects " from interfering in China ' s internal affairs , the Chinese people mistakenly believe that the Korean nationality is the " evil root " of Japan ' s invasion of China and the " evil root " of diplomatic conflict .
In the " 9.18 " incident , the majority of the Korean village villages became the main target of the attack of the soldiers of the Northeast Army and the bandits , so that the whole process of large numbers of " refugees " appeared in the Korean society in the northeast , and the root causes of the unjust cause of the Korean people in the Northeast were expounded .
At the same time , the article expounds the social background of the Korean nationality in the northeast of Korea under the political pressure of the Korean nationality in North Korea and the Korean nationality in the northeast of Korea .
The second chapter mainly expounds the process of the group ' s tribal policy in Japan . Firstly , the purpose of the policy of " Group Tribes " is analyzed in Japan . 1 . The content of the name of " Group Tribes " is interpreted , and the mandatory and discriminatory of the group tribes are elucidated ;
2 . A group of tribes built under the guise of " relief " and " protection " of the Korean refugees is the expansion of their sphere of influence in the Korean society in the north - east and the settlement of the Korean families scattered around the north - eastern part of the north - east , so as to carry out " unification " ;
3 . Japan attaches particular importance to " security first doctrine " in the group of building groups , organizes armed self - defence groups , even sets up police stations , construction of walls and blockhouses , on the surface the maintenance of village security , in fact in order to break the link between the people and the anti - Japanese forces ;
4 . Japan ' s construction of Korean immigrants " model countryside " can not only win the hearts of the Korean people , but also promote the group ' s tribal construction model to the Northeast by " version " ;
Secondly , through the macro - analysis of the process , mode of operation , the scale of village , the situation of police and the facilities of the Korean nationality in Northeast China , the author further analyzes the typical rural areas , and expounds the characteristics of the " Group Tribes " of the general government of the DPRK : through the construction of the group tribe , the host Korean " refugees " , the political won the hearts of the Korean people , and strengthened the Japanese colonial rule ;
The military uses the Group ' s tribal anti - Japanese base areas to develop , control and silkworm the anti - Japanese base areas , and distribute them to the second and third zones of the Japanese immigrants , which serve as the " bridge " for the Japanese army to maintain the railway and the main road .
Thirdly , through the elaboration of the aim , the construction process and the mode of operation of the group tribes of the puppet Manchukuo Group , it is stated that the clan of the puppet Manchukuo Group is also the feature of the beginning of the Korean agglomeration area . In conclusion , Japan has built a " firm foundation " for further expansion of the group ' s tribes through the first group of tribal construction , basically hosting the Korean refugees from all parts of the Northeast , and using the tribal control of the construction group and the anti - Japanese base areas .
In the third chapter , the process of expanding the people and group tribes in North Korea is described . First , the status of the group migrant tribes ( 1937 - 1941 ) which is operated by the full - fresh development Co . , Ltd . is studied . In order to control the growing number of Korean immigrants in Northeast China , Japan has changed the " let - off " policy of Korean immigrants to " new regulation " policy .
Secondly , the status of Group Tribes ( 1942 - 1945 ) was studied . During this period , because of the outbreak of the Pacific War , the Northeast has become the rear base of Japan ' s war , and with the intensification of the war , Japan has strengthened the " unified system " of the North Korea ' s exploitation of the tribes of the People ' s Group , and it can be said that the operation period of the whole continent is the last period of the Group ' s tribal construction ;
In order not to obstruct Japan ' s migration plan and to cooperate with the Japanese army ' s " peace and security " , the Korea opened up the ethnic group in the south of the Middle East Railway . In 1940 , to supplement the Japanese immigrants ' shortage , it could not only alleviate the country ' s national contradiction , but also be able to use the Korean farmers to exploit and distribute the people in the region .
The fourth chapter mainly discusses the role and influence of the tribes of the Korean nationality group in the period of the Japanese Pseudo Period . First of all , the damage of the group clan to the anti - Japanese forces is studied . The Japanese army , under the leadership of the Communist Party of China , develops into the Northeast People ' s Revolutionary Army and the Northeast Anti - Japanese Joint Army .
Secondly , the paper studies the protection system and the residents ' access , shopping and sale of all personal freedom in the group tribes , and exposes the essence of the so - called " self - cultivation agriculture creation " , and expounds that the group clan is the " centralized " real state of the Japanese imperialism " unified system " and the exploitation of the northeast Korean farmers ;
Thirdly , study the influence of group tribes on the development of northeast paddy field ;
On the other hand , by studying the influence of group tribes on the development of Korean traditional village culture , the paper clarifies the influence of group tribes on the development of Korean traditional village culture .
2 . The influence of group tribes on the traditional customs of Korean farmers . First , the influence of group tribes on the regional and village forms of Korean traditional villages is expounded .
Secondly , it expounds the influence of group tribes on the traditional clothing culture and health of Korean nationality .
In short , this paper makes a systematic and comprehensive exposition of the historical process of the tribes of the Korean nationality group in the northeast of Japan by using a lot of valuable information , such as local archives , and fills up a blank field in the study of Korean village history , which has certain academic value to enrich and enrich the history of Korean struggle and the study of migration history .
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