[Abstract]:The modernization of the late Qing government has experienced such trends as political , economic , ideological and cultural changes in various fields , such as politics , economy and thought .
Science and technology literature is a document containing science and technology knowledge . It is the display of the achievements of human science and technology activities and the development of science and technology . The scientific and technological documents occupy a very important position in the overall literature of human history . As a result of human science and technology activities , it is both a record of the development of scientific and technological achievements , and is a product for scientific and technological activities and promoting the development of science and technology .
The evolution of scientific and technological documents in the process of late Qing Dynasty is not only the summary and the carding of history , but also the future reference and prospect .
The first part of this paper deals with the concept of modernization , which leads to the background of the evolution of the scientific literature and the modernization of the late Qing Dynasty .
The second part focuses on the process of the evolution of scientific and technological documents in the process of late Qing modernization , and divides the late Qing Dynasty into three stages : the opium war period , the ocean affairs movement period and the Sino - Japanese War .
In the third part , the conclusion is obtained from the process of the second part , which summarizes the six characteristics of the evolution of science and technology documents in the late Qing Dynasty .
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