[Abstract]:The successful development of China now proves that Deng Xiaoping's governance thought and the way of governance are necessary and correct. The core idea of Deng Xiaoping's governance of Chinese social ideological trend is to position itself in the category of "national governance", which accords with the dialectics of history and achieves the perfect unity of Marxism's principle and flexibility. The free expression of human spiritual life is one of the symbols of modernity, but there is a precondition to respect the right of free expression of spiritual life, that is, the basic social order of normal country can not be destroyed. Deng Xiaoping's judgment of social trend of thought is based on deep insight into Chinese society and has historical penetration. The flexibility of its Marxism is that, since it uses the concept of "governance" rather than "rule" and is confronted with spiritual life rather than direct political action, it is resisting the wrong ideas. Deng Xiaoping also pays close attention to the differences between the "left" policy and the historical "left" policy, avoiding the "left" mistake. We should obey the principle of small truth, but we should not be rude to it, nor should we use the means of cultural autocracy.
【作者单位】: 中共上海市委党校马克思主义研究院;
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