[Abstract]:This paper, taking the temporal and spatial distribution of crime as the breakthrough point, empirically studies the spatial distribution of crime in the urban area of Shanghai in 1870s. In the study method, the author uses the case record in the "Declaration >" to establish the crime database of Shanghai City, and uses MapInfo to make the space distribution map of the crime, and then the space process of the urban crime in Shanghai in the early 1870s. And then, using the annual report of the public concession Bureau of labor and the annual report of the public Council of the French concession, the information and forms of the crime, the form of the report, combined with the daily statistics of the crime, a restoration of the characteristics of the time distribution of the crime in the urban area of Shanghai (such as the year / month of the crime) and the age of the offender, sex, occupation and educational level. In the end, the spatial distribution of crime, the distribution of the time of crime, the constitution of the crime and the social attributes of the perpetrators are integrated into the historical and space-time background of the spatial expansion of the urbanization of Shanghai, the social management of the concession and the system of the meeting system. In addition, it is worth noting that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the knives will be on the post war post war. The scale, type and immigrant quality of the sea emigrant are related to the constitution of crime and the time distribution of crime in Shanghai in 1870s, as well as the differences in the management system, the judicial system and the methods of social control in the two cities of Shanghai and the north, and the types of crime in the two regions of Shanghai and the concession, the mode of public security and trial, the type of punishment and so on. The author finds that the rise of Shanghai port after the opening of the port and the urbanization process of Shanghai, especially in the concession area, are the fundamental causes of the serious crime problem, and the large-scale foreign immigrants after the war and the young and young years after the war, through the comprehensive consideration of the temporal and spatial distribution of criminal cases in the urban area of Shanghai in 1870s and the constitution of the criminals. The composition of illiteracy and semi illiteracy is the main cause of the crime, which is dominated by property crime; the urban spatial planning of Shanghai and the different modes of public security management in the two cities of the north and the south are the direct causes of the distribution of the characteristics of the crime space.
In short, after the opening of the port, especially after the post-war of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, in the macro background of the acceleration of urbanization and the influx of large scale immigrants in Shanghai, this paper uses urban geography, urban sociology, criminal sociology, and social psychology in many disciplines, multi angle theory and research model, which constitutes the temporal and spatial distribution of crime in urban areas, the type of crime and the type of crime. The comprehensive grasp of the constitution of the criminal personnel, and further in-depth discussion of the dramatic social changes in Shanghai after the opening of the port, the characteristics of the times of the social mentality of the people in Shanghai, and the complicated and complicated social management process under the prosperity of the commercial and commercial prosperity.
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