[Abstract]:Since modern times, under the background of western-learning and western-invasion, Chinese people began to understand the West and examine their own civilization. The connotation of "three generations", which is regarded as the model of social ideal in traditional China, has gradually changed: thinkers initially regarded "three generations" as the criterion of civilization to evaluate the western society, and then, in order to promote the reform and reform of the system, It begins to absorb the western institutions and academic factors to enrich the connotation of the "three generations", and then compares the "three generations" with the western society to shape the legitimacy of the reform system, and the connotation of the "three generations" expands infinitely. Finally, the "three generations" and the West (Taixi) converge, "the West" as a social ideal model with the "three generations" gradually formed, and the "three generations" became a concept of time. It is of great significance to study the changes of the "three generations" in the late Qing Dynasty and to reflect on the transformation of Chinese civilization view since modern times and the formation of the western image.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院研究生院;
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