
发布时间:2018-08-01 10:46
【摘要】:20世纪50年代,对资本主义工商业进行的社会主义改造,是新中国成立后中国共产党重要的革命实践之一。根据我国经济落后的现实国情和民族资产阶级在民主革命中所发挥的革命性作用,我国对民族资产阶级采取了与苏联、东欧不同的改造方法,开辟了一条具有中国特色的改造之路。在改造的过程中中国共产党和民族资产阶级都经历了一段不同于新民主主义革命时期的心路历程,他们也通过这次具有历史意义的实践开始了一种新的相处模式,二者的关系也由此打开了崭新的一页。 中国共产党对民族资产阶级的社会主义改造政策的制定和实践,从1949年10月开始,到1956年底基本完成,大致经历了两个发展阶段。第一个阶段从1949年到1952年,在这一阶段党和政府基本上是根据《共同纲领》提出的“公私兼顾,劳资两利”和在国营经济领导下,“分工合作,各得其所”,对资本主义工商业采取“利用、限制”的政策。但这个阶段还不能算作社会主义改造,它只是为后来的社会主义改造准备了有利的条件。第二个阶段是从1953年到1956年,在这一阶段党和政府对资本主义工商业的政策是以“改造”之名行“转变”之实,即通过“公私合营”的形式,先是逐步地、有计划地“合营”,然后在1956年内迅速地实现了全行业“公私合营”,从而完成并实现了对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造。 从19世纪60-70年代出现中国最早的民族资产阶级以来,他们在半殖民半封建的中国社会中经历了无数的政局变更、革命和战争,相伴随的是他们命运的起落、沉浮。到1949年新中国的成立,他们的命运有了新的安排。过渡时期,是民族资产阶级在中国告别历史舞台的谢幕阶段。这一时期的民族资产阶级中的不同阶层怀着拥护、徘徊、猜测、顾虑、抵触等不同的心态,迎接社会主义改造的到来。在改造的过程中,民族资产阶级的心理反应和现实的表现又各有所不同和变化,但是最终还是在改造的浪潮中接受了改造,完成了蜕变。 从中共对改造政策的制定过程和民族资产阶级的心理与现实表现来看,二者在过渡时期的关系基本上是出于一种相对和平的状态,虽然这其中有较量和对抗,但是并没有影响二者关系的发展。这其中主要是由于二者都处在一个转型的时期,中共从革命的领导者向社会的建设者转变,从一个革命党向一个执政党转变;民族资产阶级则是从一个剥削阶级向一个劳动者阶级的转变。正是由于这样一个特殊的转型时期,使得二者关系经历了一个从磨合到整合的演变过程,最终朝着同一个方向发展。 总结过渡时期中国共产党与民族资产阶级关系的成功的实践经验和历史局限性,对今后我国的统战工作和中国特色社会主义事业的建设与发展具有宝贵的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:In the 1950s, the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce was one of the important revolutionary practices of the Communist Party of China after the founding of New China. According to the actual situation of our country's economic backwardness and the revolutionary role played by the national bourgeoisie in the democratic revolution, our country has adopted a different method of reforming the national bourgeoisie than that of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. It has opened up a road of transformation with Chinese characteristics. In the process of transformation, both the Communist Party of China and the national bourgeoisie have experienced a different mental course from the period of the New Democratic Revolution, and they have also begun a new mode of getting along with each other through this historic practice. The relationship between the two also opened a new page. From October 1949 to the end of 1956, the formulation and practice of the policy of socialist transformation of the national bourgeoisie by the Communist Party of China has undergone two stages of development. The first stage was from 1949 to 1952, during which the Party and the government basically put forward in accordance with the "Common Programme" the "balance of public and private interests, the interests of labour and capital" and, under the leadership of the state economy, "division of labour and cooperation, and each obtaining its own place". We should adopt the policy of "utilizing and restricting" capitalist industry and commerce. This stage, however, cannot be counted as socialist transformation; it only provides favorable conditions for later socialist transformation. The second stage was from 1953 to 1956, when the policy of the Party and the government towards capitalist industry and commerce was "transformed" in the name of "transformation", that is, through "public-private partnerships", first gradually and in a planned "joint venture". Then, in 1956, the whole industry of "public-private partnership" was quickly realized, thus the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce was completed and realized. Since the emergence of China's earliest national bourgeoisie in the 1960s and 1970s, they have experienced numerous political changes, revolutions and wars in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal Chinese society, accompanied by the ups and downs of their fate. By 1949, the founding of new China, their fate had a new arrangement. The transitional period is the final stage for the national bourgeoisie to bid farewell to the historical stage in China. In this period, the different classes of the national bourgeoisie welcomed the arrival of socialist transformation with different attitudes, such as support, wandering, speculation, concern and resistance. In the process of transformation, the psychological reaction and reality of the national bourgeoisie are different and changed, but in the end, they accept the transformation in the tide of transformation and finish the transformation. Judging from the formulation process of the CPC's reform policy and the psychological and practical performance of the national bourgeoisie, the relationship between the two during the transitional period is basically based on a relatively peaceful state, although there is a contest and confrontation among them. But it does not affect the development of the relationship between the two. This is mainly because both of them are in a period of transition, the Communist Party of China from the leader of the revolution to the constructor of society, from a revolutionary party to a ruling party; The national bourgeoisie, on the other hand, changes from an exploitative class to a laborer class. It is precisely because of such a special transition period that the relationship between the two goes through a process of evolution from running-in to integration, and finally develops in the same direction. Summing up the successful practical experience and historical limitation of the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the national bourgeoisie during the transitional period has valuable reference significance for the United front work and the construction and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the future.


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