[Abstract]:Once the largest bacteriological research organization in the world, the 731 unit of the Guandong Army used live people to conduct human experiments extensively during the Japanese invasion of China. In the early postwar period, human experimental crimes were not revealed in time, and the far East International military Court failed to try human experimental crimes. During the Cold War, the cover-up of the United States government and the misguidance of the Japanese government to the people of Japan caused the Japanese people to have a unclear understanding of human body experiments and the crime of bacteriological warfare, which made it very difficult for the Chinese people to claim compensation against Japan after the war. In order to restore the historical truth as far as possible, this paper adopts the method of investigation and research, through the reinterpretation of the literature, emphatically analyzes some basic conditions of the human body experiment carried out by the 731 bacteriological force. It includes the main sources of human experimental materials, the items and purposes of human experiments. The results show that the source of human experimental materials is not limited to the "special transportation" of Guandong Gendarmerie. In addition to serving the war of aggression, the human body experiments conducted by Japanese medical workers also have pure medical research, which is contrary to medical ethics and morality. Calls on domestic governments and the international community to re-examine the crime to fill the gap in far East trials.
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