
发布时间:2018-08-06 16:24
【摘要】:军事思想是关于战争、军队和国防基本问题的理性认识,是人们长期从事军事实践的经验总结和理性概括,它随着人类战争形态的变化而不断发展。中国近代军事思想的产生发展过程伴随着新旧变革、中西融合,它反映了中国近代封建统治阶级、农民阶级和资产阶级的军事思想,是一种带有过渡性质的军事思想形态。1840年后,西方经济文化和军事技术入侵,火器逐渐淘汰冷兵器,近代军事工业和海军渐次建立,中国社会发生巨大变化,由此传统兵学也受到西方军事思想的冲击与挑战,近代中国传统军事思想变革序幕拉开。 左宗棠(1812-1885),字季高,湖南湘阴人,晚清军政重臣,湘军统帅之一,洋务派重要代表。左宗棠少读诗书,太平军起事后入幕湖南两任巡抚张亮基、骆秉章,参与戎机,开始其军事生涯,办楚军、率湘军转战东南剿杀太平军、开办福州船政局、收复新疆,一生戎马生涯。在长期的征战过程中,其军事思想也逐渐成熟。左宗棠军事思想是中国近代军事思想的重要组成部分,集中体现了从农耕文明向工业文明转变,由冷兵器向热兵器转变过程中西方军事思想与传统中国兵学交流融合发展的过程。 本文从左宗棠军事思想产生的历史渊源、国防战略、建军治军思想、用兵方略、武器装备以及后勤保障六方面系统展开论述,并在此基础上对左宗棠军事思想进行评价。 导言部分系统梳理了关于左宗棠研究的历史与现状,将对左宗棠的研究划分为三个阶:即清末至民国时期、新中国成立至改革开放前以及改革开放以来。在系统归纳总结各个时期的主要研究成果,特别是其军事思想研究的特点,把握了学界研究的现状,以便为本研究奠定基础。 第一章主要从时代背景、历史传统和军事实践三个角度来分析其思想产生的历史渊源。左宗棠生活的年代,是中国历史从古代走向近代的时期,也是中国社会从封建社会转入半殖民地半封建社会的时期,这是一个风云激荡、剧烈变化的时代。左宗棠因缘际会,以救亡图存的精神成为一位在中国近代转轨之际,以引进西方军械与学习西方军事技术始,而终于成为清末洋务运动的先行者之一。左宗棠的军事思想,可以说是在这个特定时代激荡下思考的结果。同时,作为一个饱读诗书的传统读书人,传统政治思想中文治武功、士的形象及精神和兵学传统的推动,无疑也是左宗棠军事思想产生的一个重要来源;而实践更是认识螺旋式上升的催生剂,伴随着左宗棠平定太平天国,筹办福州船政局,远征新疆等重要的军事实践,左宗棠军事思想逐步发展成熟。 第二章重点阐述了左宗棠的防务观。当近代中国塞防和海防同时面临新威胁的形势下,左宗棠既反对李鸿章“海防论”思想,又反对“塞防论”,明确提出“海防塞防并重”的思想,是鸦片战争后林则徐、魏源提出的既要重视海防又要重视塞防的思想的实践。同时,左宗棠还积极配合外交斗争收回伊犁,针对晚清雇佣军问题,采取恩威并用、徐图渐进的方法,逐步裁撤了雇佣军。与同时代人相比,左宗棠的海防塞防并重思想,既看到了清王朝所面临的陆地边疆威胁,也清醒的认识到海上安全问题,有其历史的战略高明性,而其对雇佣军的使用问题,以及军事和外交手段配合收复伊犁,既显示了左宗棠具备了时人所不具备的国际视野,也反映了其强烈的爱国主义情怀。 第三章主要研究左宗棠的建军治军思想。在兵源问题上,左宗棠提出来源必须广泛,在将领的选择上,营官多用武官,与曾胡湘军编制体制略有差异;;在部队编成上,步兵、水师、马队和炮兵兼备,这是近代部队编制的雏形,顺应了由冷兵器向热兵器的转变,则是近代清军的一大发展;严明军纪,对军中哥老会党予以严惩,则维护了军队的稳定,则是曾国藩所不及。 第四章主要梳理了左宗棠的用兵方略。左宗棠用兵,善于统筹全局,正确确定战略进攻方向,在“视天下事若无不可为”的战略勇气下,“剿抚并重”,牢牢把握战争的主动权,推行反客为主的攻防主张,缓进急战的作战方针,知己知彼,灵活机动。这些是左宗棠在平定太平天国,收复新疆等战役中常胜不败的重要原因。 第五章着重分析了左宗棠对近代坚船利炮的认识。左宗棠推崇魏源“师夷之长技以制夷”的主张,主张通过自强来实现坚船利炮的自产,创办福州船政局,创办了西北军事工业。在倡导引进和学习西方先进武器装备和科学技术时,他强调坚持独立自主,突出了自强御侮的目的,体现了武器装备建设的全局性。与同时期的曾国藩、李鸿章相比,对近代武器的认识,左宗棠无疑要更加全面系统。 第六章着重探讨了左宗棠关于部队后勤保障的思想和原则。无论征剿太平军还是收复新疆,左宗棠都高度重视后勤保障,筹饷、筹粮、筹转运,充实了传统耕战结合思想的内容,有利地保障了部队作战的需要,而坚持屯垦结合,则有效地维护了新疆的稳定。 第七章则对左宗棠军事思想进行了评析。主要是从湘军统帅群体军事思想、在吸纳中国传统兵学思想基础上开启中国近代军事思想两个视角对左宗棠在近代军事思想史上的地位进行了诠释,突出了左宗棠的军事思想所具有的善于从全局出发、统筹兼顾、突出重点;精心谋划战局,坚持自强御侮、救亡图存的大胆进取精神以及重视维护军队纪律,以严明的军纪来保证部队战斗力及良好的军民关系的特色。明确提出左宗棠军事思想是湘军统帅群体军事思想的重要组成部分,是在总结和丰富中国传统兵学的基础上开启中国近代军事思想发展方向的重要环节。
[Abstract]:Military thought is a rational understanding of the basic problems of war, army and national defense. It is the experience summary and rational generalization of people who have been engaged in military practice for a long time. It develops continuously with the change of the form of human war. The process of the development of modern Chinese military thought is accompanied by the new and old changes, the integration of the West and the west, which reflects the modern feudal China. The military thought of the ruling class, the peasantry and the bourgeoisie is a military ideological form with the nature of transition. After.1840 years, the western economic and cultural and military technology invaded, the firearms gradually eliminated the cold weapons, the modern military industry and the Navy were gradually established, the Chinese society changed greatly, and the traditional military science also received the Western military thought. The impact and challenge of thought are the prelude to the transformation of modern Chinese traditional military thought.
Zuo Zongtang (1812-1885), Hunan Xiangyin, Xiangyin in the late Qing Dynasty, one of the military and political officials of the late Qing Dynasty, one of the commanders of the Hunan army and an important representative of the Westernization school. The Taiping Army started his military career, started his military career, started his military career, started his military career, and took part in the military aircraft after the start of the Taiping army, and began his military career. He began to run the Chu army in the southeast and set up the Fuzhou shipping administration bureau and set up the Fuzhou Shipping Administration Bureau. In the course of a long period of war, the military thought of Xinjiang was gradually mature. The military thought of Zuo Zongtang was an important part of modern Chinese military thought, which focused on the transformation from farming civilization to industrial civilization, and the exchange of Western military thought and traditional Chinese military science during the transition from cold weapons to hot weapons. The process of development.
This article discusses the historical origin of Zuo Zongtang's military thought, the strategy of national defense, the thought of army building and military affairs, the strategy of using the army, the weaponry and the logistic support in six aspects, and evaluates Zuo Zongtang's military thought on this basis.
The introduction part systematically combed the history and present situation of Zuo Zongtang's research, and divided the study of Zuo Zongtang into three steps: from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the new China was established before the reform and opening up and the reform and opening up. The main research results of each period were summarized, especially the characteristics of its military thought research. The current situation of academic research lays the foundation for this research.
The first chapter mainly analyzes the historical origin of his thought from three angles, the times background, the historical tradition and the military practice. The age of Zuo Zongtang's life is the period of Chinese history from ancient to modern, and the period of the transition from the feudal society to the semi colonial and semi feudal society, which is a turbulent and violent change. At the time of the times, Zuo Zongtang became one of the pioneers of the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty, with the spirit of saving the nation from subjugation and being one of the pioneers of the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty at the beginning of the transition of modern China. Zuo Zongtang's military thought can be said to be the result of thinking in this epoch. The traditional reading of reading poetry and books, the traditional political thought in Chinese martial arts, the image and spirit of the scholar and the promotion of the military tradition, is undoubtedly an important source of Zuo Zongtang's military thought; and the practice is to know the spiraling agent of spiral rise, with Zuo Zongtang to calm the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, prepare the Fuzhou Shipping Administration Bureau, expedition Xinjiang and so on. Zuo Zongtang's military thought gradually developed and matured in the important military practice.
The second chapter focuses on Zuo Zongtang's view of defense. When modern China and sea defense are facing new threats at the same time, Zuo Zongtang is opposed to Li Hongzhang's "theory of sea defense", but also against "the theory of defense." it is clear that the thought of "maritime defense and defense is equal", is Lin Zexu after the Opium War, Wei Yuan put forward not only to pay attention to sea defense but also to pay attention to the sea defense. At the same time, Zuo Zongtang also actively cooperated with the diplomatic struggle to recover Yili, and aimed at the mercenary problem of the late Qing Dynasty, adopted the same use, and gradually abolished the mercenaries. Compared with the contemporaries, Zuo Zongtang's sea defence and defense is equal to the thought of both the land border threat and the Qing Dynasty. The awakening of maritime safety issues, with its historic strategic clarity, and its use of mercenaries, and the military and diplomatic means to recover Yili, not only show the international vision that Zuo Zongtang has not have, but also his strong patriotism.
The third chapter mainly studies Zuo Zongtang's thought of army building and governing the army. On the issue of military origin, Zuo Zongtang must have a wide range of sources. In the choice of the generals, the officers and officers use the military officers more than the former Hu Xiangjun. In the formation of the army, the infantry, the water division, the horse team and the artillery are the embryonic form of the modern army, which complies with the cold soldiers. The transformation of the weapon to the hot weapons was a great development of the modern army in the Qing Dynasty, and the strict discipline of the army and the strict punishment of the Party of the veteran's party had safeguarded the stability of the army, which was not too late for Zeng Guofan.
The fourth chapter mainly combs the strategy of Zuo Zongtang's military use. Zuo Zongtang uses soldiers to co-ordinate the overall situation and correctly determines the direction of the strategic offensive. Under the strategic courage of "if all things can be seen as if all things can be done," the "suppression and caress", firmly grasp the initiative of the war, carry out the main offensive and defensive ideas of the anti passenger war, and slow down the war policy, know oneself and the enemy, and spirit. These are Zuo Zongtang's important reasons for winning the battle in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and recovering Xinjiang.
The fifth chapter focuses on the analysis of Zuo Zongtang's understanding of the modern artillery of Jian ship. Zuo Zongtang advocated Wei Yuan's proposition of "the long technology of the teacher and the Yi", advocated the self-reliance of self strength to realize the self-production of the cannon, founded the Fuzhou Shipping Administration Bureau, and founded the Northwest military industry. He was strong in the introduction and study of advanced western weapons and equipment and science and technology. The purpose of insisting on independence and self-reliance, highlighting the purpose of self-reliance and insulting, embodies the overall nature of the construction of weapons and equipment. Compared with Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang in the same period, Zuo Zongtang will undoubtedly have a more comprehensive and systematic understanding of modern weapons.
The sixth chapter emphatically discussed Zuo Zongtang's thoughts and principles about the logistics support of the army. Regardless of the suppression of the Taiping army or the recovery of Xinjiang, Zuo Zongtang attaches great importance to the logistics support, the raising of rates, the raising of grain and the transfer of the grain, enriching the content of the traditional ploughing war with the thought, and ensuring the needs of the team's operations. The stability of Xinjiang was protected.
The seventh chapter makes an analysis of Zuo Zongtang's military thought, mainly from the military thought of the commander-in-chief of the Hunan army and the interpretation of the position of Zuo Zongtang in the history of modern military thought on the basis of the opening of Chinese modern military thought on the basis of absorbing Chinese traditional military thought, and highlighting the ability of Zuo Zongtang to be good at the military thought of Zuo Zongtang. In the overall situation, we should make overall consideration and highlight the key points, carefully plan the war situation, insist on self strength and aggression, save the courage and enterprising spirit of saving the nation from subjugation, and attach importance to the maintenance of the discipline of the army. In order to ensure the combat power of the army and the characteristics of the good military and civilian relations, the Zuo Zongtangjun thought is an important group of the military thought of the commander in chief of the Hunan army. In part, it is an important link to start the development direction of modern Chinese military thought on the basis of summarizing and enriching Chinese traditional military science.


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