[Abstract]:During the Anti Japanese War, the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia border region has an important historical mission, which provides material support for the war of resistance. Therefore, Mao Zedong put forward the general policy of "developing economy and ensuring supply". Because the border region economy is based on agriculture, and the important anti war materials such as grain, cotton and salt have to be supplied by agricultural production. The border region economy should focus on the development of agricultural production. Although the agricultural development in the border area is highly valued by the government, the plentiful resources of cultivated land and the abundant labor resources are favorable, there is a serious problem of rural financial exhaustion, the extreme lack of farmers' production funds, the peasants' "no land can be ploughed without land, and the inability to plow the ploughing". A series of measures for granting agricultural loans have been taken to solve the problem of fund demand for agricultural development and peasant production.
In order to institutionalize and standardize the issuance of agricultural loans in the border areas, the border governments and border banks have issued a series of policies and regulations, such as the Provisional Regulations for agricultural loans, the agricultural loan articles of association of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region, the implementation of agricultural loans in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region in thirty-two, and a series of policies and regulations to ensure the orderly conduct of agricultural loan workers. Full statistics: in 1941, the amount of agricultural loans was 235 thousand yuan, in 1942 to 8 million yuan, in 1943, 27 million 800 thousand yuan (excluding 9 million 200 thousand yuan loan to the government), 100 million yuan in 1944, and 599 million yuan in 1945. And the government issued a very complete variety of agricultural loans, according to the use of loans, mainly divided into farm cattle loans, farm implements loans, There are 8 kinds of loan, cotton planting loan, textile loan, silkworm loan, seed loan, and farmland water conservancy loan. Because the rural loan in the border area is quick to get the actual effect and increases the grain and cotton production quickly, the agricultural loan in the border area is mainly based on the farm cattle, agricultural tools, green seedlings and cotton planting loans, supplemented by the rural sideline loans such as textile and silkworm raising, so all kinds of loans are used. The proportion of the payment is also different. Taking the 1942 agricultural loan as an example, 39.1 of the farm implements loan for cattle, 28.5 of the green seedling loan, 23.5 for the cotton plant loan, 8.9 for the textile and other sideline loans. Because the loan in the border area is the first and lack of the necessary experience, there are some problems in the process. For example, the loan procedure is complicated, the loan application is written. With the exposure of these problems, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region government also continuously improve and improve the loan policies and methods of lending, and supervise and inspect the loans. The Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region bank has specially formulated the regulations for rewards and punishment and severely punished those who violated the peasant loan regulations.
From the implementation process of agricultural loans, we can see the following five characteristics: first, the agricultural loan is the main object of the poor farmers, and the poor shift the refugees into the object of agricultural loans, and the amount is larger and the variety is more complete; second, the agricultural loan and the production mutual assistance movement actively cooperate; third, the low interest of agricultural loan or even the loan. Without interest rates, the borrowers may be able to pay their loans in stages or delays, fourth, fifth, the combination of agricultural loans and farmers' self financing. The implementation of agricultural loans in the border areas has the following four roles: first, the farmers' production difficulties are solved and the farmers in the border areas are "not only ploughed, but also powerful and ploughable". The farmers' enthusiasm for production promoted the development of agriculture in the border areas; second, the agricultural loans made the financial undertakings in the border areas to take root in the rural areas and serve the farmers, not only to develop the rural economy in the border areas, to make the rural finance active, to attack the exploitation of the farmers by usury, to improve the credit of the border currency, to stabilize the prices and to consolidate the financial undertakings in the border areas; and third, Shaanxi Province. The government of the Gansu Ningxia border region has the Japanese aggression, the blockade of the Kuomintang, and the embarrassment of its own funds. It also provides farmers with low interest and even interest free agricultural loans. Moreover, the poorest compatriots have been brought into the object of agricultural loans, and the agricultural loans are not used as the premise, and the purpose of developing production is very great. The prestige of the government of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia border region was raised, and the large numbers of farmers and refugees were actively joined in the war to protect the border areas and to support the war of resistance against Japan. Fourth, the agricultural loans made certain changes in the class structure of the rural areas in the border areas, mainly in the "almost all of the farm labourers" and "the poor peasants". Agriculture changes.
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