发布时间:2018-08-12 10:37
【摘要】:战区,是国民政府抗战时期对日作战最重要的战略单位。全面抗战爆发后,国民政府先后在国内成立了12个战区,以便对日作战。本文所探讨的第九战区,成立于1938年6月,作战地境大体上位于湖南省、江西西北部以及湖北南部,战区司令长官初为陈诚,后为薛岳,司令长官部常驻于长沙。 第九战区成立后,经历了武汉会战、南昌会战、上高会战、三次长沙会战等9次大规模战役,在作战过程中,第九战区最重要的作战方法,是薛岳于1941年提出的“天炉”战术,该战术虽是抗战期间正式提出,但早在30年代“围剿”红军时期,薛岳就曾实行过类似的战法。抗战期间,薛岳曾三次运用“天炉”战术,成功地阻止了日军对长沙的进攻,三次长沙会战堪称“天炉”战术成功运用的经典战例,但同时必须指出,“天炉”战术并非完美无缺,在1944年同军第四次进攻长沙时,“天炉”战术就失去了作用,长沙终为日军所占,这说明该战术是存在缺陷的。 由于湘北是第九战区对日作战的主要战场,因此对湖南兵役的研究,更能体现战时第九战区兵役运作情况。抗战期间,湖南省军政当局为推行兵役工作,建立了相应的兵役机构,采取了一系列措施,包括在基层展开兵役宣传及实行抽签法;优待新兵和出征军人家属;对阵亡士兵进行抚恤,对伤兵进行救济、慰问等。从总体上看,抗战期间湖南省的兵役工作取得了很大的成就,并且与贵州、四川等后方省份及中共抗日根据地相比,也有着自身的特点,但是,战时湖南兵役也存在着较为严重的弊端,如基层保甲长利用壮丁抽签徇私舞弊、从中渔利;基层军政人员虐待壮丁等。 抗战过程中,第九战区师级以上高级军官,在年龄、受教育背景以及派系方面,均存在某种趋势,与其他战区同级军官相比,第九战区高级军官还存在某些缺陷和不足。在军官培养方面,战时,中央军校为第九战区培养了大批军官,保障了第九战区的抗战,但是,必须指出,在培养过程中,还存在着较为严重的弊端,如教授过程中有不切实,流于形式的现象。除了中央军校外,第九战区干部训练团也担负着培养本战区军官的任务,在培养破坏通敌道路交通,保障“天炉”战术实施方面,第九战区干训团对本战区军官的培养具有相当的成效。在士兵训练方面,第九战区比较重视新兵的训练,颁布新兵训练实施方案,并且在战区辖境内的刊物上登载有关新兵训练的文章,以供本战区军官参考借鉴。为了提高士兵的军事素质,从1938年底到1942年,国民政府先后对所属部队分批进行了五期整训,第九战区的部队曾参加了1940年的第三期整训,通过整训,第九战区部队的战斗力有了明显提升,次年上高会战的胜利,便是此次整训结果的良好体现。 在一般状态下,第九战区针对部队的军粮,建立了完善的采购、运输、储藏机构,采取了一系列行之有效的措施,有力地保证了本战区部队军粮的采购和储备。在战斗状态下,第九战区参战部队的后勤业务,主要由第九战区兵站总监部负责。在作战中,该部能够根据战局变化,不时对各级兵站机构驻地以及补给线路进行调整,以尽力满足我军补给需要,并且能够尽可能地利用所掌握的陆运、水运力量,向我军前线部队输送粮弹,对于我军负伤的官兵,兵站总监部所辖的各卫生机构,也努力进行收容救治,可以说对我军的前线部队,给予了卓有成效的后勤支援。在武器装备上,抗战期间,第九战区所辖的部队,派系纷杂,有中央军嫡系部队,有滇系部队,有晋系部队,有川系部队,有湘系部队,各部装备不一,有好有差,但至少就某些部队而言,其装备无论在数量上还是质量上,绝不逊于与之对峙的F1军,甚至比日军要强,这就使得第九战区在与日军第十一军的长期作战中至少在局部上似应可以获得火力上的优势。
[Abstract]:After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Kuomintang government established 12 war zones in China to fight against Japan. The Ninth War Zone discussed in this paper was established in June 1938. The war zone is generally located in Hunan Province, northwest Jiangxi Province and southern Hubei Province. Chen was the official officer at the beginning of the year. Later he was Xue Yue. The commander in chief was stationed in Changsha.
After the establishment of the Ninth War Zone, it has undergone nine large-scale battles, such as the Wuhan War, the Nanchang War, the Shanggao War and the Changsha War. In the course of battle, the most important battle method in the Ninth War Zone was the "Tianlu" tactic proposed by Xue Yue in 1941. Although it was formally put forward during the Anti-Japanese War, it was as early as the 1930s during the "encirclement and suppression" of the Red Army. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Xue Yue successfully prevented the Japanese from attacking Changsha on three occasions by using the Tianlu tactics. The three battles in Changsha can be called the classic battles in which the Tianlu tactics were successfully used. However, it must be pointed out that the Tianlu tactics were not perfect. In 1944, when the Japanese attacked Changsha for the fourth time, the Tianlu tactics were not perfect. The "heavenly stove" tactic lost its effect and Changsha was eventually occupied by the Japanese, which showed that the tactic was flawed.
Since northern Hunan is the main battlefield of the Ninth War Zone's war against Japan, the study of Hunan's military service can better reflect the operation of the Ninth War Zone's military service during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Generally speaking, Hunan's military service during the Anti-Japanese War has made great achievements, and compared with Guizhou, Sichuan and other rear provinces and the anti-Japanese base areas of the Communist Party of China, it also has its own characteristics, but in wartime Hunan's military campaign is also There are serious drawbacks, such as grassroots Bao Jia Chiefs using Zhuangdi lottery for personal fraud, from which to profit; grass-roots military and political personnel abuse Zhuangdi and so on.
In the course of the War of Resistance Against Japan, senior officers above the division level in the Ninth War Zone had certain trends in terms of age, educational background and factions. Compared with officers of the same rank in other war zones, senior officers in the Ninth War Zone still had some defects and shortcomings. In addition to the Central Military Academy, the Cadre Training Corps of the Ninth War Zone also undertakes the task of training officers in the war zone, which is to cultivate and destroy the road traffic of the enemy and ensure the "heavenly stove" tactical reality. In terms of military training, the 9th theater cadre training regiment attaches great importance to the training of recruits, promulgates the implementation plan of recruit training, and publishes articles on recruit training in the journals under the jurisdiction of the theater for reference. Military quality, from the end of 1938 to 1942, the Kuomintang government successively carried out five phases of training for its troops. The troops in the Ninth War Zone participated in the third phase of training in 1940. Through the training, the combat effectiveness of the troops in the Ninth War Zone has been significantly improved. The victory in the next year's high-level meeting is a good reflection of the results of the training.
Under normal conditions, the Ninth War Zone has established a complete procurement, transportation and storage organization for the army's grain. A series of effective measures have been taken to effectively ensure the procurement and storage of the army's grain in the war zone. In the course of battle, the Ministry can adjust the positions and supply routes of the various levels of military stations from time to time according to the changes in the war situation, so as to meet the supply needs of our army as much as possible, and be able to make full use of the land and water transport forces that it has mastered to deliver grain and shells to our front-line troops, and for the officers and soldiers injured by our army, the health services under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent of the military station. In terms of weaponry and equipment, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the troops under the jurisdiction of the Ninth War Zone had various factions, including the immediate troops of the Central Army, the Yunnan troops, the Jin troops, the Sichuan troops, the Hunan troops, and the different equipment of each department. But at least in terms of quantity and quality, the equipment of some units is not inferior to or even superior to the F1, which makes it possible for the Ninth War Zone to gain at least a partial advantage in firepower in its long-term battle with the 11th Army.
[Abstract]:After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Kuomintang government established 12 war zones in China to fight against Japan. The Ninth War Zone discussed in this paper was established in June 1938. The war zone is generally located in Hunan Province, northwest Jiangxi Province and southern Hubei Province. Chen was the official officer at the beginning of the year. Later he was Xue Yue. The commander in chief was stationed in Changsha.
After the establishment of the Ninth War Zone, it has undergone nine large-scale battles, such as the Wuhan War, the Nanchang War, the Shanggao War and the Changsha War. In the course of battle, the most important battle method in the Ninth War Zone was the "Tianlu" tactic proposed by Xue Yue in 1941. Although it was formally put forward during the Anti-Japanese War, it was as early as the 1930s during the "encirclement and suppression" of the Red Army. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Xue Yue successfully prevented the Japanese from attacking Changsha on three occasions by using the Tianlu tactics. The three battles in Changsha can be called the classic battles in which the Tianlu tactics were successfully used. However, it must be pointed out that the Tianlu tactics were not perfect. In 1944, when the Japanese attacked Changsha for the fourth time, the Tianlu tactics were not perfect. The "heavenly stove" tactic lost its effect and Changsha was eventually occupied by the Japanese, which showed that the tactic was flawed.
Since northern Hunan is the main battlefield of the Ninth War Zone's war against Japan, the study of Hunan's military service can better reflect the operation of the Ninth War Zone's military service during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Generally speaking, Hunan's military service during the Anti-Japanese War has made great achievements, and compared with Guizhou, Sichuan and other rear provinces and the anti-Japanese base areas of the Communist Party of China, it also has its own characteristics, but in wartime Hunan's military campaign is also There are serious drawbacks, such as grassroots Bao Jia Chiefs using Zhuangdi lottery for personal fraud, from which to profit; grass-roots military and political personnel abuse Zhuangdi and so on.
In the course of the War of Resistance Against Japan, senior officers above the division level in the Ninth War Zone had certain trends in terms of age, educational background and factions. Compared with officers of the same rank in other war zones, senior officers in the Ninth War Zone still had some defects and shortcomings. In addition to the Central Military Academy, the Cadre Training Corps of the Ninth War Zone also undertakes the task of training officers in the war zone, which is to cultivate and destroy the road traffic of the enemy and ensure the "heavenly stove" tactical reality. In terms of military training, the 9th theater cadre training regiment attaches great importance to the training of recruits, promulgates the implementation plan of recruit training, and publishes articles on recruit training in the journals under the jurisdiction of the theater for reference. Military quality, from the end of 1938 to 1942, the Kuomintang government successively carried out five phases of training for its troops. The troops in the Ninth War Zone participated in the third phase of training in 1940. Through the training, the combat effectiveness of the troops in the Ninth War Zone has been significantly improved. The victory in the next year's high-level meeting is a good reflection of the results of the training.
Under normal conditions, the Ninth War Zone has established a complete procurement, transportation and storage organization for the army's grain. A series of effective measures have been taken to effectively ensure the procurement and storage of the army's grain in the war zone. In the course of battle, the Ministry can adjust the positions and supply routes of the various levels of military stations from time to time according to the changes in the war situation, so as to meet the supply needs of our army as much as possible, and be able to make full use of the land and water transport forces that it has mastered to deliver grain and shells to our front-line troops, and for the officers and soldiers injured by our army, the health services under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent of the military station. In terms of weaponry and equipment, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the troops under the jurisdiction of the Ninth War Zone had various factions, including the immediate troops of the Central Army, the Yunnan troops, the Jin troops, the Sichuan troops, the Hunan troops, and the different equipment of each department. But at least in terms of quantity and quality, the equipment of some units is not inferior to or even superior to the F1, which makes it possible for the Ninth War Zone to gain at least a partial advantage in firepower in its long-term battle with the 11th Army.
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