[Abstract]:As the center of social education, before the Anti-Japanese War, the popular Education Museum in Jiangsu Province faced with the crisis of internal and external problems after the September 18 incident. In the process of the old elite losing its strength and the transfer of social power at the grass-roots level, there was a sense of helping the government to rebuild the social order at the grass-roots level. However, because of the little effect of "official autonomy" and the weak control ability of grass-roots level, the National Government also wants to support its participation in the construction of grass-roots regime with the help of popular Education Museum. The Museum of popular Education has set up grass-roots autonomous organizations with "improvement meetings" as the core in its teaching areas to assist the government in electing and training grass-roots leaders, and convening various "talks" to coordinate the interests of grass-roots society. Undertake a large number of civil disputes mediation, put into the "curator and district chief" of political reform experiments. The purpose of these acts is to help the government to strengthen the system of government administration in the existing grassroots political structure and to promote the political ideal of local autonomy by means of education. In coordinating the relationship with the grassroots and local governments, the Museum of popular Education can play a dual role of official agent and civil society organizer to some extent, and to some extent unblock the already blocked political track at the grass-roots level.
【作者单位】: 扬州大学淮扬文化研究中心、扬州大学社会发展学院;
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