[Abstract]:Hunan is rich in coal resources, its total reserves ranked higher in the country, distributed in all parts of the province, coal seam structure is more suitable for mining. Hunan coal mine has been exploited since the late Southern Song Dynasty, and gradually flourished after the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. To modern times, Hunan coal industry has further developed, but the overall production mode of Hunan coal industry is still relatively low. After.
On the eve of the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan in an all-round way, the Kuomintang government, in view of the important strategic significance of coal, timely readjusted and formulated the principles and policies of industrial and mining construction to meet the needs of wartime. Since the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the total output of coal in Hunan has steadily risen to 1943. Among them, Yangmeishan Mine Factory, Liling Coal Mine Bureau, Qiyang Guanyintan Coal Mine Mine Engineering Agency and other factories and mining enterprises occupied an important position in Hunan coal mining industry during the war. They supplied a large amount of coal for the industrial and mining enterprises and railways that moved inland to Hunan and strongly supported the national anti-Japanese war. Their own practical actions have made painstaking efforts in various coal mines and made their due contributions to the victory of the war of resistance against Japan.
The role of Hunan coal mines during the war was twofold: first, they provided a large amount of fuel for the industrial and mining enterprises that moved inland to Hunan, and provided a continuous supply of Locomotive Coal for the railway transportation of Guangdong-Han, Hunan-Guangxi, Guizhou-Guangxi, etc. Second, they promoted the industrial layout of the whole country and Hunan gradually to be rational, and also promoted the development of Hunan industry and laid a foundation for Hunan industry. Commercialization basis.
In short, Hunan is located in the central part of the country, and its modern economy is relatively backward. Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan in an all-round way, the role of Hunan coal industry in social and economic life was limited. The role of mining and Hunan's coal industry in the whole country has been significantly improved.
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