发布时间:2018-08-18 12:35
【摘要】: 史称“丁戊奇荒”的清末大旱灾始于光绪二年间(1876年)的直隶省,后逐渐扩大到整个华北、陕西、陇东、甚至波及川北及长江以北各州府,其中旱情又以山东、直隶、河南、山西、陕西五省为最重。此次灾荒,历时三年之久,直到光绪四年(1878年)才得以缓解,给当时各受灾地区造成了巨大的灾难,灾情之重被时人称为“自清代以来二百三十余年末见之惨凄,未闻之悲痛”。虽然北方各省普遍受灾,但是,由于自然条件、社会差异等因素的影响,使得各灾区的灾情以及灾后的赈济情况又各不相同。本文拟以陕西地区在“丁戊奇荒”期间的灾情为背景,论述谭钟麟从旱灾发生之前到旱灾结束后,在该省实施的备荒、赈济及灾后恢复等一系列荒政措设的优劣得失。 全文主要由四部分组成: 第一部分:主要介绍“丁戊奇荒”期间,陕西地区“饿殍遍野,赤地千里”的严重灾情,并从自然和社会两个角度分析此次旱灾造成巨大灾难的原因。 第二部分:主要叙述了在陕西遭受荒灾之前,谭钟麟所实施的兴修水利、推广蚕桑养殖、积粮备荒、整肃社会秩序等振兴陕西的举措。 第三部分:主要论及在“丁戊奇荒”期间,谭钟麟在陕西所实施的筹钱、赈运、放赈等一系列赈灾措施。 第四部分:主要论述了谭钟麟为恢复遭受旱灾严重破坏的陕西地区,在政治、经济、吏治等方面所做出的种种努力。
[Abstract]:The drought in the late Qing Dynasty, known as the "Dingwuqi wasteland," began in Zhili Province in the two years of Guang Xu (1876), and gradually expanded to the entire North China, Shaanxi, Longdong, and even affected northern Sichuan and the states north of the Yangtze River. Among them, the drought occurred in Shandong, Zhili, and Henan. Shanxi, Shaanxi five provinces for the heaviest. The famine, which lasted for three years, was not alleviated until four years in Guang Xu (1878), causing a great disaster to the affected areas at that time, and the severity of the disaster was described as "the tragedy seen at the end of more than 230 years since the Qing Dynasty." Unheard grief ". Although the northern provinces are generally affected by disasters, due to natural conditions, social differences and other factors, the disaster situation and the relief situation after the disaster are different. Based on the disaster situation in the period of "Dingwuqi" in Shaanxi Province, this paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a series of famine policies such as preparedness, relief and recovery in this province from the time before the drought to the end of the drought. The full text is composed of four parts: the first part: it mainly introduces the severe disaster of "starving victims everywhere and thousands of miles" in Shaanxi during the period of "Dingwu Qi". And from the natural and social perspectives to analyze the causes of the drought caused a huge disaster. The second part mainly describes the measures carried out by Tan Zhonglin to build water conservancy, popularize sericulture, store grain and prepare wasteland, and purge social order before Shaanxi was hit by famine. The third part mainly deals with a series of relief measures, such as raising money, relief transportation, relief and so on, carried out by Tan Zhonglin in Shaanxi during the period of "Dingwu Qi". The fourth part mainly discusses Tan Zhonglin's efforts in politics, economy, administration and so on.
[Abstract]:The drought in the late Qing Dynasty, known as the "Dingwuqi wasteland," began in Zhili Province in the two years of Guang Xu (1876), and gradually expanded to the entire North China, Shaanxi, Longdong, and even affected northern Sichuan and the states north of the Yangtze River. Among them, the drought occurred in Shandong, Zhili, and Henan. Shanxi, Shaanxi five provinces for the heaviest. The famine, which lasted for three years, was not alleviated until four years in Guang Xu (1878), causing a great disaster to the affected areas at that time, and the severity of the disaster was described as "the tragedy seen at the end of more than 230 years since the Qing Dynasty." Unheard grief ". Although the northern provinces are generally affected by disasters, due to natural conditions, social differences and other factors, the disaster situation and the relief situation after the disaster are different. Based on the disaster situation in the period of "Dingwuqi" in Shaanxi Province, this paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a series of famine policies such as preparedness, relief and recovery in this province from the time before the drought to the end of the drought. The full text is composed of four parts: the first part: it mainly introduces the severe disaster of "starving victims everywhere and thousands of miles" in Shaanxi during the period of "Dingwu Qi". And from the natural and social perspectives to analyze the causes of the drought caused a huge disaster. The second part mainly describes the measures carried out by Tan Zhonglin to build water conservancy, popularize sericulture, store grain and prepare wasteland, and purge social order before Shaanxi was hit by famine. The third part mainly deals with a series of relief measures, such as raising money, relief transportation, relief and so on, carried out by Tan Zhonglin in Shaanxi during the period of "Dingwu Qi". The fourth part mainly discusses Tan Zhonglin's efforts in politics, economy, administration and so on.
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