[Abstract]:From 12 to 13 July 2014, sponsored by the China Institute of Newspapers and Social History, Anhui University, the editorial Department of Journal of Anhui University, Information and Communication Research Center of Fudan University, The fifth "academic Symposium on the study of Chinese Newspapers and Social History", jointly organized by the editorial department of the monthly Journal of History, was held in Hefei. More than 40 experts and scholars from universities and scientific research institutions in various parts of the country engaged in the study of Chinese modern and modern history and news history attended the meeting, which revolved around the theme of "wartime newspapers and public opinion mobilization." The interactive relationship between media discourse and public opinion mobilization in wartime is discussed. The contents are summarized below. The interaction between the press and the government and the state during the first World Wa
【作者单位】: 史学月刊编辑部;
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