
发布时间:2018-08-24 13:24
【摘要】:新中国成立之后,国家统一对旧社会遗留下来的工业企业进行了接收,而民主改革运动等一系列的政治运动革除了厂矿企业中剥削工人的制度,民改运动也从思想上对“旧工人”进行了一次彻底的改造。此外“一长制”的建立、劳动纪律的巩固和管理制度的加强与完善等措施给磷肥厂的建立提供了可以依据的政策基础,而众多工厂在改革过程中的表现更是为磷肥厂提供了宝贵的经验和教训。 作为“一五”计划期间筹备建立的新工厂,磷肥厂是建国后新建的一大批国营工厂的代表之一,在这些工厂中工人的形成方式和过程基本上是相同的。工业化建设的大规模开展,使得国家对工人的需求量急剧增加,于是广大的农民、小生产者、自由职业人员等进入工厂,成为了新工人的一员。这些刚刚成为工人的人员有着不同的文化程度和家庭背景,这些千差万别的人在工厂统一的规章制度的约束中,和每天的管理与互动中逐步从组织纪律性不强、自由散漫的多种职业角色转变过来,形成了符合国家、社会和工厂需求的新工人群体。 除了绪论和结语外,论文主要分为三个部分:第一章首先讨论的是磷肥厂工人形成之前的背景,包括了当时的国家政策背景、磷肥厂的建立情况以及厂内工人的整体情况。接着文章着重分析了不同的人员以不同的方式进入磷肥厂的具体情况,这是磷肥厂工人开始形成的第一步。论文的第二章和第三章是本文的重点部分。其中,第二章着重从年龄、性别、籍贯、家庭出身等几方面对招收到磷肥厂的人员进行结构上的分析,展现出这一人群的总体特点;第三章通过记录一个普通工人的生活轨迹,以历史叙述的方式展现了二十世纪五六十年代磷肥厂工人的日常生活情况,并且通过案例分析的方式展现了工厂‘与工人之间的管理和互动,以此来探讨当时的工人所特有的精神状态及其成因。
[Abstract]:After the founding of New China, the state unified the industrial enterprises left over from the old society, and a series of political movements, such as the democratic reform movement, eliminated the system of exploiting workers in factories and mines. The people's Reform Movement also carried out a thorough ideological transformation of the old workers. In addition, the establishment of the "one long system", the consolidation of labor discipline and the strengthening and improvement of the management system have provided a policy basis for the establishment of the phosphate fertilizer plant. The performance of many factories in the process of reform provides valuable experience and lessons for phosphate fertilizer plants. As a new factory to be set up during the first Five-Year Plan, phosphate fertilizer plant is one of the representatives of a large number of state-owned factories built after the founding of the people's Republic of China. In these factories, the workers' formation mode and process are basically the same. With the large-scale development of industrial construction, the demand for workers in the country increased sharply, so the vast number of farmers, small producers, freelancers and other workers entered the factory and became a member of the new workers. These new workers have different levels of education and family background, and these diverse people, in the constraints of the unified rules and regulations of the factory, and in the daily management and interaction, are gradually less disciplined from the organization. The free and loose variety of professional roles transformed into a new group of workers suited to the needs of the country, society and factories. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis is divided into three parts: the first chapter discusses the background before the formation of the workers in the phosphate fertilizer plant, including the background of the national policy, the establishment of the plant and the overall situation of the workers in the plant. Then the paper analyzes the specific situation of different people entering phosphate fertilizer plant in different ways, which is the first step that the workers of phosphate fertilizer factory begin to form. The second and third chapters are the key parts of this paper. Among them, the second chapter focuses on the structural analysis of the persons recruited to the phosphate fertilizer factory from the aspects of age, sex, place of origin, family origin, etc. to show the overall characteristics of this group. Chapter three records the life track of an ordinary worker. In a historical way, it shows the daily life of workers in phosphate fertilizer plants in the 1950s and 1960s, and shows the management and interaction between the factory 'and the workers through a case study. In order to explore the specific mental state of the workers at that time and its causes.


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