发布时间:2018-08-24 13:31
【摘要】:林绍年是清末时期一位比较有清誉的官员,曾任滇、黔、桂、豫四省巡抚,军机大臣等,也兼署过云贵总督。 林绍年任巡抚和军机大臣时,正是清末新政时期。林绍年对新政持比较积极的态度:他是第一个在上奏中明确提出君主立宪的地方督抚,也积极支持了辖区内的国会请愿运动。他积极实施“开官智”,先后开办了广西政法讲习所和河南法政学堂。在对外关系上,他主张“联日抗俄”,收回东北,南防法国,明确指出“无论联俄、联英、联美,皆不可恃”,要求清政府积极改革。他积极实践教育救国的思想,努力发展任职地方的教育事业,一方面大规模的派遣留学生,另一方面努力兴建新式学堂,培养新政所需的各种人才。他主张币制改革,要求仿制铜元,坚持银本位制,铸造银元。他对新军的编练、绿营的裁汰、团营的编练,警察的设立等进行了尝试,并且重视提高军官素质,大力派遣军事留学生,设立各类军事学堂。他积极实行狱政改革,建立模范监狱,裁撤红差店、创设新羁所等。 林绍年通过自己的努力,推动了所任地方新政的实施,为辖区特别是滇、黔、桂等偏远地方迈向近代,起了重要促进作用。但另一方面,由于受到社会历史条件和自身条件的限制,他的新政思想和作为,也不可避免的存在一定的局限性。
[Abstract]:Lin Shao-nien was a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty. He served as governor of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Henan provinces, military aircraft minister, etc., and also served as governor of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Henan provinces. When Lin Shao-nien was governor and minister of military aircraft, it was the late Qing Dynasty. Lin Shao-nien had a more positive attitude toward the New deal: he was the first local governor to explicitly propose a constitutional monarchy in the upper stage, and he also actively supported the Congressional petition movement in the jurisdiction. He actively implemented "opening officials and wisdom," and opened successively Guangxi political Law Institute and Henan School of Jurisprudence. In terms of foreign relations, he advocated "joining Japan against Russia," recovering the Northeast and defending France from the south, and clearly pointed out that "neither Russia, Britain, nor the United States can rely on it," and demanded that the Qing government should actively reform. He actively practiced the idea of education to save the country and made great efforts to develop the educational undertakings in the places where he held office. On the one hand, he sent overseas students on a large scale, on the other hand, he worked hard to build new schools and cultivate all kinds of talents needed by the New deal. He advocated the reform of the currency system, called for the imitation of copper yuan, adhere to the silver standard system, cast silver yuan. He tried to make up the new army, cut out the green battalion, train the regiment, set up the police, and attach importance to improving the quality of the officers, sending the military students abroad and setting up all kinds of military schools. He actively implemented prison reform, the establishment of model prisons, the abolition of red shops, the creation of new detention. Through his own efforts, Lin Shao-nien promoted the implementation of the new local policies, which played an important role in promoting the development of modern times in remote areas such as Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi. On the other hand, due to the limitation of social and historical conditions and his own conditions, his New deal thought and action inevitably have certain limitations.
[Abstract]:Lin Shao-nien was a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty. He served as governor of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Henan provinces, military aircraft minister, etc., and also served as governor of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Henan provinces. When Lin Shao-nien was governor and minister of military aircraft, it was the late Qing Dynasty. Lin Shao-nien had a more positive attitude toward the New deal: he was the first local governor to explicitly propose a constitutional monarchy in the upper stage, and he also actively supported the Congressional petition movement in the jurisdiction. He actively implemented "opening officials and wisdom," and opened successively Guangxi political Law Institute and Henan School of Jurisprudence. In terms of foreign relations, he advocated "joining Japan against Russia," recovering the Northeast and defending France from the south, and clearly pointed out that "neither Russia, Britain, nor the United States can rely on it," and demanded that the Qing government should actively reform. He actively practiced the idea of education to save the country and made great efforts to develop the educational undertakings in the places where he held office. On the one hand, he sent overseas students on a large scale, on the other hand, he worked hard to build new schools and cultivate all kinds of talents needed by the New deal. He advocated the reform of the currency system, called for the imitation of copper yuan, adhere to the silver standard system, cast silver yuan. He tried to make up the new army, cut out the green battalion, train the regiment, set up the police, and attach importance to improving the quality of the officers, sending the military students abroad and setting up all kinds of military schools. He actively implemented prison reform, the establishment of model prisons, the abolition of red shops, the creation of new detention. Through his own efforts, Lin Shao-nien promoted the implementation of the new local policies, which played an important role in promoting the development of modern times in remote areas such as Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi. On the other hand, due to the limitation of social and historical conditions and his own conditions, his New deal thought and action inevitably have certain limitations.
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