[Abstract]:Shoufu, known as "the Great Britain of the Religion", is faced with the "Sino-Japanese" change. Due to his clan status, he presupposes to speak mainly to the flag people, but the focus of concern is still in the reform map of one country and another, not the "race" issue. In short, the dispute between the old and the new is higher than the difference between Manchu and Han. He also stressed that "respect for the monarch," monarch justice, "the reform at the same time do not abolish the principles, abide by ethics. To the Gengzi thing, Huang, white race over the Manchu Han difference, the value of family crisis, Shoufu will, "although Western learning, did not fall the enemy", resolutely choose to die. The supremacy of the monarchical power in the late Qing Dynasty and the unity of the monarchy and the system derived therefrom made the reform of the state as the supreme in the concept of reform and reform, and its actual process depended on the monarchical power. In the 20 ~ (th) century, under the impact of modern national concept, the theory of "civil rights" gradually flourished, which was caused by the intertwining of monarchy and race in Qing Dynasty, and aroused the debate between Manchu and Han. This paper examines the history of Shoufu before and after his suicide and inquires into its historical implications from the dual perspectives of race and politics in order to have a deeper understanding of the relationship between Manchu and Han in the late Qing Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院历史研究所;
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