[Abstract]:The Anti-Japanese War period (1931-1945) was a relatively special period in the history of China and the United States. For various reasons, the Roosevelt Administration of the United States gave certain economic assistance to the Chinese government. This aid has different characteristics at different times. The article introduces the American economic policy towards China from four aspects. The first part of the article discusses the origin of Roosevelt's economic policy toward China, such as Roosevelt's own Chinese complex, Roosevelt's new policies and effects during the economic crisis, and the international situation and China's economic situation at that time. Can be said to be a background combing. The second part is the first stage of Roosevelt's economic policy toward China, that is, after the September 18 incident, the United States adopted non-recognition under the closed aid (1931-1938). Because of its own interests, the U.S. government generally adopts a neutral policy and is not actively seeking help from China. But the Roosevelt administration also had hidden aid to China, such as cotton and wheat borrowing, which meant the establishment of a bridge of economic ties between China and the United States. The third part is that after the outbreak of World War II, the Roosevelt Administration's economic policy towards China showed two sides: aid and conditions (1938-1941). In this stage, the Chinese government made several large-scale loans from the United States, such as tung oil loan, Yunnan tin loan, tungsten sand loan, metal loan, leveling fund loan, etc. Borrowing terms gradually preferential, the amount of increasing, and from commercial loans into political loans. The fourth part is the establishment of Roosevelt Administration's comprehensive aid system to China (1941-1945). Mainly manifested in the signing of the New Testament between China and the United States, the repeal of the exclusion of China Act and the help of China to establish the status of the four major powers; military aid, mainly for the provision of a large number of military supplies and the dispatch of flying tiger teams to China; and economic assistance. Mainly signed on March 31, 1942, with no guarantee, no interest, no years of huge loans, and the $500 million loan Agreement between China and the United States. Finally is the summary of the article.
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