[Abstract]:From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the phenomenon of opium overflowing, opium cultivation, opium production and opium trafficking became one of the most serious social problems in China at that time. The study of opium problem in Xinjiang from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China was mostly confined to the aspect of drug control, emphasizing the enormous harm of opium to the modern society of Xinjiang, and the research achievements on opium cultivation and opium trafficking in Xinjiang during that period were few. The period of the relaxation of the ban on opium by the Xinjiang government was much longer than the period of the strict ban. If only the short-term ban on opium was emphasized, and the study of the cultivation of opium and the trade of opium was neglected for a long time, it would be difficult to really understand the opium problem in Xinjiang from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, and even less to understand the objective necessity of the existence of opium in Xinjiang society during that period. From this point of view, the research in this paper is still very meaningful.
The first part of this paper is the introduction. The second and third parts of this paper are divided into two periods according to the time sequence: the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. They are respectively to study the development and change of poppy cultivation area in Xinjiang during the two periods, the change trend of local drug production, the change of foreign medicine sources, the development and change of opium trade routes and the government's "forbidden" policy. The fourth part mainly discusses the far-reaching influence of opium on Xinjiang society from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China.
The first part is the introduction, mainly discussing the reason and significance of the topic, the definition of the scope of the study, the related academic research, the research content, research ideas and innovations.
In the second part, the development and changes of poppy cultivation and opium trafficking in Xinjiang in the late Qing Dynasty were restored and analyzed, and it was concluded that since the emphasis of prohibiting smoking in Xinjiang in the late Qing Dynasty was on the prohibition of "foreign drugs", the poppy cultivation area in Xinjiang was not limited to the old opium producing areas such as Qitai, Suilai and Changji. Tacheng and other places have also become smoking areas, southern Xinjiang due to poor natural conditions and religious taboos and other reasons, poppy cultivation did not develop significantly. Foreign medicine in the Daoguang years of the ban on smoking was affected to a certain extent, but the short-term ban on smoking because of the failure of the Opium War and the Qing government's relaxation of the ban on opium policy and failed. Central Asia was the main source of foreign medicines in Xinjiang during that period. Trafficking routes of foreign medicines in Xinjiang were mostly along the trade routes along the northern margin of the Tarim Basin. After entering Dihua in northern Xinjiang, they were trafficked into the mainland. After the ban on smoking in Daoguang, the government began to effectively manage opium trafficking in order to ensure its tax subsidies to Xinjiang's military and government expenditures, which also led to the late Qing Dynasty. Opium poppy cultivation and opium trade in Xinjiang have been further developed.
In the third part, the poppy planting areas in Xinjiang changed greatly during the period of the Republic of China. The anti-smoking campaign of Yang Zengxin's government focused on "prohibiting planting" resulted in the basic prohibition of poppy planting in the old poppy planting areas in the southern margin of Junggar Basin centered on Dihua. In addition, frequent wars during this period made it difficult for the poppy planting in the above-mentioned areas to be sustained. Yili, Tacheng, Ashan and other places, because they were located in the frontier, less war, so the three places became the main areas of poppy cultivation in northern Xinjiang during this period. The transfer of inland trade routes further promoted the development of poppy cultivation and opium trade in these areas. In addition, because of the enormous effect of opium tax on Xinjiang's military and political operation and commercial trade, the government basically held an attitude of relaxing the ban on opium.
The fourth part discusses the objective inevitability and far-reaching influence of opium in Xinjiang from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, including positive and negative aspects.
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