[Abstract]:In the revolution of 1911 overthrowing the Qing Dynasty, overseas Chinese were the important strength of the League, and the political attitude of the American Zhidutang, an important organization of overseas Chinese, was particularly crucial. In order to win more social forces to join the revolutionary cause, Sun Zhongshan personally joined the court, took the reform of the "Datong Daily," the organ of the court, reiterated the principle of making the court public, its articles of association, and perfected the organizations of all localities to the public court. Such measures as the League and the Alliance of Zhikuntang have transformed the court into a strong social foundation for China's modern national democratic revolution, provided strong economic assistance to the Chinese revolution, and become a living force to support the revolution. Thus, the overseas Chinese and the motherland are closely linked in the historical process, and the two sides promote each other and jointly promote the progress and development of history.
【作者单位】: 孙中山纪念馆;
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