[Abstract]:Jiangxi Province has been the country's sugar production province, Leping, Dongxiang, Ganzhou are all sugar production in Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou sugar production is particularly well known. After the end of the Qing Dynasty, due to its adherence to the traditional old legal system of sugar, the poor quality of the sugar, the government imposed heavy taxes on Li, the political situation of the central and local governments was unstable, the capital was insufficient, and it was hit hard by British Hong Kong sugar, Japanese sugar, and Java sugar. Jiangxi granulated sugar industry gradually declined, gradually from the original sugar production province, the export province into the granulated sugar import province. Although the government of the Republic of China and the Jiangxi Provincial Government have taken some measures to revitalize and revive, due to the lack of a stable and peaceful environment, sufficient funds, the abolition of Li Jin, the tariff autonomy and other conditions, the sugar industry in Jiangxi Province is finally unable to reverse its decline.
【作者单位】: 南开大学历史学院;
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