
发布时间:2018-10-12 15:33
[Abstract]:Apprenticeship is an ancient and special economic system. Under the constraints of contract, kinship, and geography, and under the guidance of an employer or master, it trains young people in technical and economic management knowledge and qualifications in industrial practice. Apprenticeship includes apprenticeship recruitment, training, treatment, full teacher and punishment for violations. Its biggest characteristic is the collection culture, the use, the seniority in one body. The apprenticeship system of modern Beijing is universal and typical, so this paper focuses on the modern Beijing and its suburbs, and studies the apprenticeship system of the old brands and factories (workshops) in modern Beijing. It reveals the inheritance, development and transformation of the traditional apprenticeship system. Modern apprenticeship system generally exists in modern industrial and commercial enterprises, the influence on industry and commerce can not be underestimated. The modern apprenticeship system not only played a vital role in the steady development of Beijing's old brands and the inheritance of the excellent national skills, but also played a double-edged role in the development of modern capitalist industry and commerce. Public opinion and national legal system also have great influence on the change of modern apprenticeship system. The public opinion calls for the reform of the traditional apprenticeship system from the bottom up and puts forward many valuable ideas. The state tries to rebuild the modern apprenticeship system from the top to the bottom at the legal level. After the changes of the late Qing and the Republic of China, the apprenticeship system in modern Beijing was marked with a strong feudal patriarchal clan on the one hand, and the dawn of a new era on the other. However, the unity of modern China was not established in the end. A standard system of apprenticeship


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