[Abstract]:At the beginning of the War of Resistance against Japan, the invading army of Japan attacked madly, but the Chinese army retreated while resisting, and lost half of the mountains. Hunan Province, which was in the hinterland of the Chinese mainland, was gradually approaching from the backup base of the War of Resistance to Resistance as an outpost of the War of Resistance against Japan. Japanese troops aggressive, can not live, Hunan situation has been dark cloud pressure city to destroy, rain to wind to the building. Who will stabilize Hunan? Who will defend Hunan? At this time Zhang Zhizhong was appointed in the defeat of the army, ordered between the crisis, the iron shoulder of the responsibility. He blamed the Chinese army's failure on the fact that China had fought only the army, not the masses. Because the government has not mobilized the people, so the people do not understand and do not support the war, the government can neither mobilize the people to continuously replenish the army, but also can not mobilize the people to cooperate with the army to fight. At the same time, Zhang Zhizhong also pointed out that the leaders at the grass-roots level of Hunan Province are both humble and ignorant, unable to adapt to the needs of the enemy in preparing for war, and must launch a mass movement to reform Hunan's personnel system. For this reason, he proposed that popular mobilization is the key to the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, and that the mobilization of the people is the basis for reviving the nation, and so on. He established the Hunan Provincial people's training and guidance Office and the Hunan Provincial people's Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Regiment. The Hunan people Anti-enemy Unification Commission and other organizations have adopted measures such as promulgating the law of civilian training, arousing public opinion and propaganda, advocating military-civilian cooperation, encouraging the donation and donation of the War of Resistance against Japan, compiling and examining books for civilian training, reforming the system of conscription, and reorganizing the Hmong Rebellion. These efforts have awakened the national consciousness and national concept of the people in Hunan and built Hunan into a base for anti-Japanese salvation, a base for rescue of wounded soldiers, a base for refugee relief, a base for supply of soldiers, a base for material supply, and a material transit station for the whole country. And the Qing Ming administration of officials, improve the social atmosphere.
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