[Abstract]:Guang Xu Qimen County Baojia book relatively intact presents a village community in the late Qing Dynasty Baojia compilation reality. In the late Qing Dynasty, Qimen County adopted the form of replacing Baojia system with Tu Jia system. The picture is based on natural settlements and covers specific village communities. Within a map, distinguish different attributes of household registration flexible compilation of a, card. Under the Tu-A system, Tu Dong, Jia long, card long by the lifting, training, traders. In the village society of Qimen County in the late Qing Dynasty, the practice of the people is still not within the scope of the traditional industry and commerce. Zheng mainly engaged in trade, craft, boat and other industrial and commercial industries, Huizhou was still a large number of businessmen, and trade home donation and supervision prevailing. The scattered servants and consignors are the main carriers of local agriculture and forestry production, and they are controlled and controlled by the Zheng family in the setting and management of Baojia. The subordination between the big clan and the servant and the sending house is still deep-rooted.
【作者单位】: 安徽师范大学历史与社会学院;安徽师范大学图书馆;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目(08CZS005) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(12YJC870016)
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