[Abstract]:In 1944, a fact-finding mission composed of Yancun, Suokou, Xiaoyeren, and so on, inspected the social conditions of the Hui people in many cities and areas along the Beijing-Suiyuan railway from Zhangjiakou to Baotou, and obtained a large amount of investigation data. Their research results based on these materials were published one after another after the war. Before 1945, Japanese research on Chinese Hui people did not exist in isolation, it was closely related to the history of East Asia and the world in the 20th century. One of the purposes of Japan's study of the Chinese Hui people in wartime was to meet the needs of the so-called "Hui people work", a component of the so-called "national work" carried out by the Japanese military in the pseudo-Manchukuo, North, Northwest and Inner Mongolia regions.
【作者单位】: 中共宁夏区委党校政治学教研部;
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