[Abstract]:Zheng Zuo Zongtang's life experienced a period of sharp changes from the Opium War to the Sino-French War. He suppressed the revolution of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the army of Nim Jun, the northwest minority nationality uprising and other peasant movements, wantonly killed the people of uprisings, from which he began to join the Qing Dynasty ruling group, became a king of the Qing Dynasty. However, at a time when our country was invaded by imperialism and the motherland was in danger, he was able to show strong patriotic enthusiasm, oppose aggression and surrender. In particular, in the 1870s, he tried his best to reject the opinions of the masses, led the division to go out of customs, recovered Xinjiang in one fell swoop, smashed the plot of British and Russian imperialism to split up Xinjiang in our country, and made great contributions to the reunification of the motherland, territorial integrity and national unity. During the Sino-French War, it was the last few years of his life. In the southwestern border of the motherland, at a serious juncture of aggression, Zuo Zongtang did not worry about the years of dilapidated years, regardless of the suffering of the ill, and urged resistance and opposed compromise. Committed to the cause of resisting aggression and defending the motherland
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