[Abstract]:Since the early 1970s, in order to meet the challenges of the political situation inside and outside the island, the Kuomintang regime in Taiwan was forced to change its policy of relying mainly on mainland officials and began to implement a policy of "localization", that is, to vigorously promote the people's Republic of China politically. The policy of appointing Taiwan's provincial people to expand the ruling base of the regime. Under the guidance of historical materialism, this paper comprehensively describes and analyzes the historical process of the localization of the Kuomintang regime in Taiwan from the background, reasons, process, characteristics, influence and trend of the implementation of the "localization" policy of the Kuomintang in Taiwan. This paper holds that the "localization" policy pursued by the Kuomintang regime can be divided into two periods: Jiang Jingguo (early 1970s-1988) and Li Denghui (1988-2000). This article has carried on the research and the analysis to the Jiang Jingguo period localization policy. Jiang Jingguo began his policy of political localization after taking over the actual leadership of Taiwan in the early 1970 s. Its main achievements are: opening the door of Taiwan's political localization, allowing a large number of Taiwanese politicians to enter Taiwan's political hierarchy, and promoting the process of political democratization in Taiwan. Jiang Jingguo died in 1988. Li Denghui became KMT chairman as a Taiwanese national and became Taiwan's supreme leader. This indicates that the Taiwan localization policy promoted by Jiang Jingguo has made a fundamental and breakthrough development. Later, under the impetus of Li Denghui, the Kuomintang finished localization in the constant division, and also made the Kuomintang lose its ruling power in the local voice.
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