[Abstract]:Salt, as a substance, has played an important role in people's production and life since ancient times. Salt mainly includes well salt, pool salt and sea salt. Since the Xia Dynasty, salt tax has been an important source of income for successive governments, and its status is second only to farmland tax. Salt has different trading systems in different historical periods. The Changlu aftercare and Prosperity Bureau studied in this paper was set up to protect this system, because the poor peasants at that time kept up and smuggled nitrate salt, which posed a challenge to the sale of salt by government-appointed special merchants. Considering that it was not possible to simply use force to prevent smuggling from being used to solve the problem in order to avoid provoking the people to threaten their own rule, the ruler took the initiative of setting up a Bureau for promoting profit and absorbing the children of nitrate households to the Bureau of profit. To achieve the goal of banning nitrate. At that time, cotton cloth production was a profitable industry, so Xingli Bureau took the production and sale of cotton cloth as its main business, so it had the nature of enterprise, but it was a bureaucratic enterprise. It is a special organization, it is set up because of salt, so in the process of studying it, this paper must focus on the related knowledge of salt; And because it is to protect the interests of the salt merchants who take Changlu area as the "shore", it is necessary to write from the Changlu salt area, and the introduction of Changlu salt area will inevitably have a very important position. The production and operation of the Bureau of Prosperity is a problem involving many factors, and it is a large organization with thousands of people, so it has to put its research under a grand historical background. Every decision and reform must be understood from a macro perspective. Specifically, this paper includes the following three parts. First of all, from Changlu salt area, mainly introduced its natural and cultural situation, but also introduced the history of salt trading and anti-smuggling knowledge, this part is an important platform for understanding the full text, is the basic knowledge; Secondly, it is the core part of this paper, which is directly related to the background of the establishment of the Prosperity Bureau, its production and management, and the causes and steps of its subsequent forced dissolution; The third part is an analysis of the success or failure of the reform and management of the Bureau of Prosperity, focusing on the first year of the Republic of China's Sun Yin reform, and then from the perspective of management and economics to analyze the benefits and losses of the Bureau in the production and management. This is the key part of this paper. Through these three parts of the study, this paper will draw the conclusion that the establishment of the Prosperity Bureau is not a people's livelihood project with the sole purpose of considering the interests of the people, and its failure in operation is a microcosm of the common fate of enterprises in old China. The old China could not afford a bright future for its own businesses. Through the analysis of the unfortunate experience of the Bureau of Prosperity, we can arouse our patriotic enthusiasm and devote ourselves more actively to the construction of socialist modernization, which is the central purpose of this thesis to choose the Proposition of "prosperous Bureau".
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