[Abstract]:Standardization is a unified, rule-based approach to doing something or managing a project. Weapon standardization means that under the overall planning of the state ruling organization, the military ordnance is consistent in parameter standards, in the development and production of the formation of a series, in the operation, maintenance and management of the formation of the system. In the late Qing Dynasty, during the period of the Republic of China Government in Beijing, the military weapons were of mixed styles and different models. After the establishment of the Nanjing National Government in 1927, it attached great importance to the issue of the standardization of military weapons, and took a series of measures, but on the whole, The effect achieved by subjective efforts is far from that achieved objectively. Until the Nanjing government fled to Taiwan in 1949, the KMT army's weapons and equipment system was still not fully unified. This paper focuses on the policy and measures taken by the National Government to promote the standardization of weapons from 1927 to 1949, and systematically studies and summarizes the experiences and lessons in the process of weapon standardization in the KMT armed forces with the ideas and methods of system theory. In order to put forward some suggestions on the standardization, serialization and generalization of weapons and equipment at present, this paper probes into many factors that cause the complicated weapon style and confused model of the Kuomintang army, so as to put forward some suggestions on the standardization, serialization and generalization of weapons and equipment from a historical point of view.
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