[Abstract]:Chen Duxiu's view of science derives from the traditional scientism of the French positivism in the hole, which is in line with the traditional French rationalism of Descartes. Chen's scientism is not related to the thought of the French rationalism and positivism, and has not received enough attention from the academic community. The "Theology and the Metaphysics of Metaphysics" 's three-era theory of evolution, which reinforced the non-religious view of Chen's atheism, thinks that all religions are false and superstitious and are an obstacle to the progress of civilization. He believes that the development of science will eventually "in science of religion" and achieve the fit of the universe with life. The historical materialism further strengthened his moral-style scientism belief, and made him believe that the social science of historical materialism can completely solve the problem of life. In the May 4th intellectuals, scientism was a great way. Chen's view of the moral positivism is a typical representation of the May 4th scientism, and it shows the scientific myth of the scientism Utopia of the May 4th intellectuals as the Bodhisattva's Bodhisattva.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学国际文化学系;
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