[Abstract]:Natural economy has always occupied an important position in Chinese traditional society. After the Opium War, with the forced opening of ports, Chinese customs commodity trade became more and more frequent, and foreign capitalism began to export goods and capital to China on a large scale. And plunder the raw materials of China's agricultural products in large quantities, which has dealt a great blow to China's traditional natural economy. From the perspective of grain trade, although China has always been an agricultural country in the traditional society, it imported a large amount of grain from abroad in modern times. In 1903-1919, grain has developed into an important commodity category in China's import and export trade. The variety of agricultural products has been continuously expanded, and the grain trade volume has also been greatly increased. In addition, from the perspective of grain trade volume, the import aspect is mainly rice, and the export is mainly wheat, and rice imports are far higher than wheat exports. In the super position, China also began to become a grain import country. However, as a form of commercialization of agricultural products, the continuous development of grain trade is bound to have a profound impact on the development of China's regional economy and even on the process of modernization of China. In terms of regional distribution, rice import trade is mainly concentrated in Fujian and Guangdong regions, and wheat export trade is mainly concentrated in the Northeast region. The development of grain trade has eased the contradiction between local grain supply and demand and promoted the development of the local economy. It also increases the commercialization rate of grain and strengthens the economic ties between cities and rural areas, cities and towns, and even regions. Based on the grain import and export trade of China Customs from 1903-1919, this paper examines the basic situation of grain import and export trade in China, the types of grain commodities, the trade ports, and analyzes the impact of grain import and export trade on the local regional economy. It is pointed out that although China's trade in and out of grain is an economic aggression of western capitalist countries against China, it cannot be denied that grain trade has indeed played a certain role in promoting the development of China's modern economy.
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