[Abstract]:Guo Nanpu was a very important figure in the northwest Hui society in the first half of the 20th century. He made outstanding contributions to the peaceful liberation of Ningxia and received the honorary title of "the old man of peace". In fact, before that, Guo Nanpu had already done a lot of practical work for the country and the people. At the time of the fall of Peiping, he strongly admonished the Kuomintang government to rescue Ma Zhenwu, who was trapped in Peiping, and smashed the plot of the Japanese aggressors who attempted to use Ma Zhenwu's status to control the Hui people in Northwest China. He propagandized the resistance to Japan in Hong Kong and handed over all the money he had collected to the treasury. He suggested that the Kuomintang government attach importance to minority education and set up a number of schools in the northwest. When the Haigu uprising broke out, he ran around in many ways, and finally promoted the peaceful settlement of the Haigu uprising. While he was a senator in the Gansu Provincial Senate, he paid attention to the people's livelihood and put forward many practical suggestions. This paper systematically collates the existing data about Guo Nanpu, searches deeply the relevant materials of Gansu Provincial Archives, and investigates and interviews Guo Nanpu's descendants and previous scholars who have studied it. This paper attempts to reproduce what Guo Nanpu did before the most splendid stage of his life, especially the contribution made during the War of Resistance against Japan, so that people can fully understand the deep meaning of "the old man of peace".
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