发布时间:2019-03-22 13:58
[Abstract]:In the period from July,1860 to May,1861, Zeng Guofang was set up in the Qgate of Anhui, causing a lot of controversy. What are you looking at? Qi gate is the "perilously" of Zeng Guofang and the Xiangjun, and it is the "Fuaddress". In this case, the Xiangjun is in danger, and the Qing government also avoids the double extermination of the British and French forces and the Taiping Army. This is an important historical starting point for Xiang-jun to replace the Qing Dynasty's troops in the Qing Dynasty after the second defeat of the Great Battalion of the Yangtze River, as well as the great changes of the local forces, the change of power and power and the development of the foreign affairs.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史系;
[Abstract]:In the period from July,1860 to May,1861, Zeng Guofang was set up in the Qgate of Anhui, causing a lot of controversy. What are you looking at? Qi gate is the "perilously" of Zeng Guofang and the Xiangjun, and it is the "Fuaddress". In this case, the Xiangjun is in danger, and the Qing government also avoids the double extermination of the British and French forces and the Taiping Army. This is an important historical starting point for Xiang-jun to replace the Qing Dynasty's troops in the Qing Dynasty after the second defeat of the Great Battalion of the Yangtze River, as well as the great changes of the local forces, the change of power and power and the development of the foreign affairs.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史系;
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