[Abstract]:Since modern times, the great powers have changed the policy of banning religion in China for a century and a half, legalized the activities of Catholic missionaries in China, made the influence of Catholicism expand rapidly, and strengthened the contradiction between various classes and missionaries in China. There are many teaching plans all over the country. One of them is that missionaries demanded that the Qing government confiscate "church old property" during the forbidden period. These "old products" include the Catholic Hall, the school, the tombs, the soil, the house porch, and so on, which caused many cases of negotiation. That is the "return to the court case" or referred to as the court negotiation. The case began in 1845 and ended in Nanyang in 1895, in the late Xianfeng and Tongzhi dynasties after the signing of the Beijing Treaty. This paper will focus on the case concentrated in the late Xianfeng and Tongzhi Dynasty this period. During this period, 35 cases occurred throughout the country, covering 14 provinces, with two frequent periods in 1861 and 1865-1866, respectively. From different perspectives, there are different characteristics of the case, and the form of these characteristics is closely related to the attitude of the parties involved. France was the Catholic state at that time, and the missionaries engaged in negotiations with the Qing government through the French Minister in China and the Consul. Therefore, the attitude and tactics of the missionaries and French officials in China directly affect the outcome of the case. On the part of the Qing government, the main body in charge of the negotiations is the Prime Minister's Yamen, and it is the local officials at all levels who directly handle the matter of return. The gentleman, as the representative figure of each place, is also involved in the negotiation of the return of the old teaching property. The basic attitude of the Prime Minister's Yamen to the case of returning the court is "to act according to the contract, to strive for fairness, proper impersonation, and covert temperance". Local officials agree with this on the surface, but have different attitudes to the case because of the different circumstances. Gentlemen are basically opposed to giving back to the church, but if local officials follow the instructions of the Prime Minister's Yamen, it will be difficult to exert the gentleman's influence in the court return case. Because the missionaries and the French government share the same interests, their attitude in the church of Sorbonne is the same: "protect by contract, seize the opportunity, adhere to the goal, do not reach the goal" throughout all negotiations. In order to achieve their purpose, they adopt different strategies according to different cases, which can be summarized in general as follows: making a sound attack on the west and blackmailing; using his name to cajole and intimidate; using force to force each other and bluffing; making a firm claim without asking for evidence; and claiming compensation on the pretext of the matter. Therefore, although the return of the church was carried out by the Qing government and should be given the initiative and decision-making power, because the missionaries and the powers were backed by force, in the face of strong force, the Qing government had no capital to say no. The missionaries and France became the real decision-makers of the final result. At the insistence of the missionaries, except in a few cases, whether there is a certain proof that there is a church or not, it is possible to obtain benefits from the process of returning the church to the church.
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