
发布时间:2019-05-14 04:29
【摘要】: “陕西民国十八年年谨”是一场震惊中外的奇荒巨灾,它不仅造成陕西人口的急遽减少,对当时陕西的社会生产力造成巨大破坏,极大地影响着人们的精神世界,而且使原本复杂的社会矛盾更加激化,产生了深远的影响。史学界对于研究和反省“陕西民国十八年年谨”这一至今令人心有余悸的灾荒有着义不容辞的责任。本着以史为鉴的目的,本文从以下三个方面对这一课题进行了深入、系统的研究: 第一部分从对年馑成因的分析入手,在分析了当时的自然因素、社会因素以及人为因素的基础上,结合当时的历史实况,得出陕西民国十八年年馑的成因是人祸大于天灾。 第二部分在分析成因的基础上,对年馑造成的影响进行了深入的分析,涉及到人口、社会生产力、经济、思想观念等方面,全面分析概括了这次灾害造成的严重后果。另外,本文还对死亡人数进行了大量的考证,并运用计量史学的方法使没有定论的死亡人数的统计更加科学。 第三部分采用比较史学的研究方法,通过与1920年华北大旱荒后果的对比,说明了现代化的发展程度对救灾、赈灾方面具有重大影响。进而从科学技术的应用、思想观念的改变,以及一些先进措施的实施环境等方面提出防灾、救灾的新思路。
[Abstract]:"Shaanxi in the 18th year" was a strange catastrophe that shocked China and foreign countries. It not only caused a sharp reduction in Shaanxi's population, but also caused great damage to Shaanxi's social productive forces at that time, and greatly affected people's spiritual world. And make the original complex social contradictions more intensified, has a profound impact. The historian has an unshirkable responsibility for the study and reflection of Shaanxi 18 years ago, which has been a palpable famine up to now. For the purpose of learning from history, this paper makes a deep and systematic study on this subject from the following three aspects: the first part starts with the analysis of the causes of the annual famine, and analyzes the natural factors at that time. On the basis of social factors and human factors, combined with the historical facts at that time, it is concluded that the cause of famine in Shaanxi in 1989 is that man-made disasters are greater than natural disasters. The second part, on the basis of the analysis of the causes, makes a deep analysis of the impact of the annual famine, involving population, social productive forces, economy, ideas and other aspects, and comprehensively analyzes and summarizes the serious consequences of the disaster. In addition, this paper also makes a lot of textual research on the number of deaths, and uses the method of econometric historiography to make the statistics of the inconclusive number of deaths more scientific. The third part uses the comparative historiography research method, through the comparison with the 1920 North China drought famine consequence, has explained that the modernization development degree has the great influence to the disaster relief, the disaster relief aspect. Then the new ideas of disaster prevention and disaster relief are put forward from the aspects of the application of science and technology, the change of ideas, and the implementation environment of some advanced measures.


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