[Abstract]:To make a contribution to the government, to the people of the State and to the people, to the consensus of the people. On the occasion of the late Qing Dynasty, the financial situation was very significant, but in the whole of the late Qing Dynasty, it was the beginning of the long-time donation. To make a contribution as an emergency-only fund-raising method, the long-term implementation is tantamount to drinking and quenching thirst. But since Xianfeng, in order to suppress the movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, after the reopening of the development of the case, it has experienced Xiafeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu three-way, the donor is numerous, the redundancy is extremely difficult. On the occasion of the same light in the late Qing Dynasty, in order to suppress the return of the people in the north-west and to recover the Xinjiang and the Northwest, the scale of the soldiers in the north-west and the large scale of military expenditures, and the hard work of some provinces in the north-western provinces due to the natural conditions of the geo-factors, the production of the objects is more difficult than the Fusheng in the south-east, and the history of the Qing Dynasty had already relied on the tradition of the other provinces. As a rule, the commander of the northwest united army can't, like Zeng Guofang, Li Hongzhang, suppress the Taiping Army in the southeast, and sit on the premise of the central authority. Mr. Zeng Guofang, Li Hongzhang, to a great extent, managed to solve the problem of the problem, and the problem of the northwest military affairs can only depend on the foreign province. Because of the collapse of the Concorde system of the central war in the period of Xianfeng in the late Qing Dynasty, the Concorde in the provinces can not be transported in time and in time, for a variety of reasons. In the case of the Concorde, the soldiers mugged and it was difficult to maintain the northwest war In order to solve the problem of the return of the people in the north-west and the source of the military sources in Xinjiang, the local governor, such as Zuo Zong, Yang Yue-bin, Liu Rong, and Yuan Baoheng, are seeking to fully and fully solve the problems in the provinces on time, and at the same time, to other channels One of them is the central approval of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu Province in the provinces. In view of the important strategic position of the Xinjiang, in order to support the fighting in the Xinjiang, the central government has supported the request of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu-Gansu- In that light of the late Qing dynasty, the government of the north-western part of the Qing dynasty donated funds to fund the fund, which involved political, military, finance, imperial examination, selection and education. In various aspects, the contribution of the Office to the donation is from the shortage of military expenditure, the provisions of the donation are changing, the conversion between the donation and the rice and silver has also changed, and the huge contribution system formed by Shaanxi-Gansu for the purpose of raising money and the donation rules of the Office of the crossing of several provinces The model also has a change; in the process of the donation, the central and the local collection of the Shaanxi-Gansu and the Qing-tin have resulted in various benefits and contradictions; the donation is also dynamic in the income of the overall donation, and there is a dynamic process in the performance of the donation, which is to be played by the military and the government. To use in a change; to make a contribution to other aspects other than the mobilization of the military, such as the rule of law, the selection of officers, the wind, the official field, and the other. The burden of the people is that the donation is in the second half of the period of the salt and the same time, the donation bureau is a lot of contradiction with each other, the effect of the donation is getting worse, the difference is obvious before and after the effect, and compared with the previous period of Kangxi in the history, the difference is more obvious. There are many contradictions between the central and the central parts of the office, and there are many contradictions between the central and the central parts, and the results of the fund-raising are becoming less and more ideal. It's time to make a timely supplement. In the end, before the Qing Dynasty ordered to stop the national donation, the Shaanxi-Gansu side had to stop the donation. To make a contribution to history. To raise money, fund-raising depends on the donation. In the late Qing Dynasty, it was not stopped in the late Qing Dynasty, but after five years of the Qing Dynasty, the natural disaster, the war of the soldiers and the donation, and the way to fund the emergency fund by the office, were also
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