[Abstract]:In the first half of this paper, the history of the study of the Sino-Japanese War in Japan for more than a century was combed and analyzed. The study of the Sino-Japanese War in Japan has gone through four stages since the end of the Sino-Japanese War. Each stage has its obvious characteristics and representative figures, and shows criticism and inheritance. In the study of the Sino-Japanese War, Japanese scholars put forward the theory of dualistic diplomacy, which is not only a specific point of view in the study of the Sino-Japanese War, but also has evolved into an analytical method of historical problems and realistic politics among some Japanese scholars, which has affected the qualitative evaluation of a series of foreign wars in Japan for more than a century. The result of adhering to the "dual diplomacy theory" is, first, to negate the necessity of Japan provoking the Sino-Japanese War, second, to distort the diplomatic strategy of Lu Ozongguang's strength and weakness into peaceful diplomacy, and even to think that Japan's failure in World War II was due to a departure from the Meiji Heritage created by Lu and Austria. In the second half of this paper, the author analyzes the theory of dualistic diplomacy from three aspects: the history of world modernization, the evolution of Japan's modern foreign strategy and the facts of the Sino-Japanese War, and responds to the mainstream views of the study of the Sino-Japanese War in Japanese historians.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院世界历史研究所;
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