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发布时间:2018-03-26 18:17

  本文选题:明清 切入点:卫拉特 出处:《内蒙古大学》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】:杜尔伯特部是卫拉特四部之一,与准噶尔同祖,都是从绰罗斯部分出来的大部。明末清初,达赖太师主杜尔伯特部,杜尔伯特部强盛一时,不论在内部的和睦相处还是与其他部族、国家的战略关系上,都很主动。达赖太师去世后,杜尔伯特部不断发生内讧,在频繁的卫拉特内乱中屡遭重创,后来被卷入准噶尔内乱,走投无路,归附了清朝。清朝巧妙地利用了杜尔伯特的归降,使杜尔伯特部在征服整个卫拉特的战争中起到了举足轻重的作用。卫拉特被征服后,杜尔伯特被划分为左、右赛音济雅哈图二盟和十六旗,杜尔伯特动荡的历史告一段落。 本文发掘利用蒙汉文史料,考查研究了杜尔伯特部的历史,,对杜尔伯部特部的起源、强盛、牧地迁徙、矛盾内讧、杜尔伯特的衰落、三车凌附清等重大历史问题做了较为系统的阐述,并对文献中的某些错误记载做了纠正。 全文分四部分:(一) 早期的杜尔伯特人:(二) 达赖太师时期的杜尔伯特部;(三) 十七世纪中后期的杜尔伯特部:(四) 十八世纪准噶尔内乱与杜尔伯特部归附清朝。
[Abstract]:The Dulbert Department is one of the four departments of Werat, and the same ancestor as Junggar was most of the people who came out of the nickname Ross. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the Dulbert Department, the master of the Dalai Taidian Division, was strong for a time. Both in terms of internal harmony and with other tribes, the strategic relations of the country are very active. After the death of the Dalai master, the Dulbert Department continued to have infighting and was repeatedly hit hard in the frequent civil strife in Werat. Later, he was involved in the civil strife in Junggar, and lost his way to the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty skillfully took advantage of Dulbert's surrender and made the Dulbert Department play an important role in the war to conquer the whole of Werat. After the conquest of Werat, the Qing Dynasty played an important role in the war of conquering the whole of Werat. Dulbert is divided into left and right Zia Hartu II League and Sixteen Banner, Dulbert's turbulent history is over. This paper explores and studies the history of Dulbert's Department, the origin, strength, pastoral migration, contradiction and infighting, and the decline of Dulbert's Department, based on the historical data of Mongolian and Chinese, and on the origin, strength, pastoral migration, contradiction and infighting, and the decline of Dulbert. Some important historical problems, such as Sanche Ling and Qing, are systematically expounded, and some erroneous records in the literature are corrected. The full text is divided into four parts: (1) the early Dulbert people: (2) the Dulbert Department during the Dalai's Taishi period (3) the Dulbert Department: (4) the Junggar civil strife in the 18th century and the Dulbert's division belong to the Qing Dynasty.


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