本文选题:马良骏 + 新疆 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2006年硕士论文
【摘要】: 马良骏(1871-1957年),字善堂,近代以来享誉西北的回族大阿訇、学者及著名经师。他自幼热爱宗教,学成之后便扎根新疆,讲经授业,整顿教风,为本地穆斯林在教风上的统一及和睦相处奠定了坚实的基础,为新疆的民族团结、宗教和顺及社会的和谐发展创造了有利的条件。 他大力开展经堂教育,在二十世纪前半期即形成了以陕西学派为风格的“马门”,为新疆经堂教育的创立和发展作出了很大的贡献。随着新式教育的发展,他又紧跟时代,提倡创办现代化的教育,并付诸行动,从而开了新疆回族近代教育现代化的先风。他著书立说,其数十部阿拉伯文、波斯文及汉文的伊斯兰教著作及译作,为新疆乃至中国伊斯兰教和回族的文化、教育事业作出了很大的贡献。 本篇论文力求还原历史原貌,在参照各种文字记录及口头流传的基础上,进行了广泛的社会调查。行文以马良骏的历史活动为线索,以时间推移及空间转移为序,从以下几部分来重点阐述和评价马良骏在新疆的活动:第一、简单介绍马良骏入疆前的求学和学有所成的经历。第二,在新疆前期的活动,包括在哈密和迪化两地的开学执教活动及其受挫经历。第三,在新疆中期的活动,即在新疆伊犁的二十年。这是他宗教事业尤其是其经堂教育发展的顶峰时期。第四,在新疆后期的活动,从伊犁回到省府迪化。他在继续其宗教事业的同时,政治活动也频繁起来。先是被陷入狱,出狱后即倡导和平,提倡民族团结,积极为新疆的解放而奔走。新疆和平解放后,他更是主动投身于宣传党的各项政策,为新疆的和平、发展和进步做出了不懈的努力。 本文通过对马良骏在新疆活动的介绍,最后得出结论:马良骏始终坚持和平统一的爱国思想;平和务实的民族思想;理性思辨的宗教思想及开放宽容的文化思想;他吸收伊斯兰教的正统思想和儒家中庸思想,取长补短,形成自己稳健、理性、务实的思想特点。
[Abstract]:Ma Liangjun Li 1871-1957, the word-Shantang, since modern times of the Western Muslim imam, scholars and famous scriptures. He loved religion from an early age, took root in Xinjiang after he completed his studies, lectured and taught, rectified the teaching style, laid a solid foundation for the unity and harmony of the local Muslims in the teaching style, and for the national unity of Xinjiang. Religious harmony and the harmonious development of society created favorable conditions. In the first half of the 20th century, he developed the "Ma Men" in the style of Shaanxi school, and made great contribution to the establishment and development of the education of Jing Tong in Xinjiang. With the development of modern education, he followed the times, advocated the establishment of modern education, and put it into practice, thus opening the Xinjiang Hui modern education modernization. He wrote books and said that his dozens of Islamic works and translations in Arabic, Bossi and Chinese have made great contributions to the culture and education of Islam and the Hui nationality in Xinjiang and even China. This paper tries to restore the original appearance of history, on the basis of various written records and oral circulation, carried out a wide range of social investigations. This article takes Ma Liangjun's historical activities as the clue, takes the time lapse and the space transfer as the order, from the following several parts to explain and appraise Ma Liangjun's activities in Xinjiang: first, briefly introduces Ma Liangjun's experience of studying and learning success before entering Xinjiang. Second, the early activities in Xinjiang, including in Hami and Deluhua, school activities and setbacks. Third, in the middle of Xinjiang activities, that is, in Xinjiang Yili 20 years. This was the pinnacle of his religious career, especially his church education. Fourth, in the late Xinjiang activities, from Yili back to the provincial capital Dehua. While he continued his religious cause, his political activities also became frequent. After being imprisoned, he advocated peace, national unity and the liberation of Xinjiang. After the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang, he took the initiative to propagate the policies of the Party and made unremitting efforts for the peace, development and progress of Xinjiang. Through the introduction of Ma Liangjun's activities in Xinjiang, this paper draws a conclusion: Ma Liangjun always insists on the patriotic thought of peaceful unification, the peaceful and pragmatic national thought, the rational speculative religious thought and the open and tolerant cultural thought; He absorbed the orthodoxy of Islam and the Confucian doctrine of the mean, learning from each other and forming his own characteristics of sound, rational and pragmatic thought.
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