发布时间:2018-05-24 06:14
本文选题:沱江流域 + 蔗糖经济 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:四川省种蔗制糖的历史较为久远,据《糖霜谱》(王灼著,书成于1164年)记载,北宋年间四川省遂宁一带已经种蔗榨糖。此后,因战乱而一度中断,清康熙五十五年(1716年),福建人曾达一自福建老家带来蔗种,使一度中断的甘蔗种植又在川省兴盛起来。 沱江流域位于四川省中部,年平均气温约为18度,年降水量约为1千毫米,较适宜种植甘蔗。无论是从植蔗面积、蔗糖产量看,还是从手工制糖技术看,该流域的蔗糖经济在省内均处在领头羊地位,它代表了近代川省糖业的发展水平。清末民初,四川糖业的发展迎来了第一次鼎盛时期。之后,四川省糖业虽因外糖入侵及军阀横征暴敛而有所衰落,但是,在抗战爆发前,其糖品产量仍一直在全国处于领先地位。在这一段时间内,该流域的糖业发展较少受到行政方面的干预,属于“自由市场”阶段。在这个阶段中,传统糖业习俗在糖业发展中起到了重要的推动及制约作用。抗战爆发后,政府从抗战建国的目的出发,对四川糖业实施了一系列统制政策,自此,糖业进入“统制市场”阶段。 在“自由市场”阶段,该流域蔗农的植蔗习惯,糖品的产销格局,“卖预货”、“期场交易”、“经纪人制度”等糖业习俗的影响,以及蔗农家庭经营方式的变动等内容,共同构筑了蔗糖经济的发展优势,这一优势不仅是糖业持续发展的凭借,也是战时政府对四川糖业进行统制的依据。 在“统制市场”阶段,政府对糖业实施了一系列的统制政策。在统制产能方面,战前该流域手工制糖技术已具有高度专业化的水平,并在全国所处的领先地位,但与新式机器制糖业相比仍有诸多不足。战时,为了保证糖业产能,政府一方面成立四川省农改所甘蔗试验场,从事土法制糖技术改良活动;另一方面从政策及资金两方面支持建立一批近代半机械化制糖厂。技术的革新推动了糖业生产关系的变革:其一,家庭副业性质的传统制糖方式向以市场为导向的近代手工工场性质制糖方式转变;其二,股份制机制糖厂出现。糖业内部不同生产方式的并存,为理解民族机器工业与近代手工业之间关系提供了另外一种面相。 在统制融资方面,政府一方面对蔗农实施合作贷款,着力化解传统资金融通手段(卖预货及借高利贷)对蔗农的束缚;另一方面责令银行机构在川省普设网点,把糖商资金融通渠道由转借钱庄、商铺而转变为息借银行。在这个过程中,政府完成了对糖业的金融控制,不过,蔗农、糖商所借之资往往是杯水车薪,金融业并未给糖业带来实质性的资金动力。另外,战时川省金融业快速发展的原因,既有政府政策支持的主观因素,也有物价上涨导致银钱业获利颇丰而刺激该业发展的客观形势。该流域发达的蔗糖经济进一步整合这两方面的因素,推动了银钱业的迅猛发展,因此,完全把银钱业发展归因于蔗糖业,并用“糖业金融”概念去描述它的做法是值得商榷的。 在统制糖品供需方面,抗战爆发后,政府实行酒精代汽油办法,以保障国防及大后方交通运输对液体燃料的需求,随即加强了对酒精生产原料糖品供需的统制,这一统制可分为两个阶段:统购、限价(1939年10月-1942年2月),配购、定价(1942年2月-1944年7月)。不论是从大后方酒精工业的形成发展角度来看,还是从酒精在抗战建国中的作用角度来看,战时酒精生产统制都是值得肯定的。酒精生产原料糖品供需的统制是保障酒精生产的前提条件,该项统制不仅是糖业统制中的重要组成部分,也是液体燃料统制中的重要一环。 在统制蔗糖价格方面,从自由交易性质的“卖预货”习俗到强制性的价格安排——蔗糖评价制度,政府本意是通过限定价格来干预蔗农与糖房(漏棚)之间的交易,维护蔗农利益,促进蔗糖经济发展,并稳定地方社会,从而达到为抗战建国服务的目的。但是,随着抗战的持续进行,物价急速上涨,政府所限定的蔗糖成本价格,反过来成为蔗农获利的障碍。因此,糖业内部蔗农与糖商的纠纷,外化为蔗农群体与政府的矛盾。尤其是在内江、资中两地,蔗农年年请愿,纠纷愈演愈烈,甚至发展到蔗农捣毁县政府的暴动。政府与民众交恶,社会日益失序,蔗糖经济的发展受到严重的影响。 另外,在1942年至1944年期间,政府在川康区实施食糖专卖政策,“全面干预”川省糖业的发展,该政策的实施标志着政府对糖业的统制达到了顶峰。从政策的实施过程看,政府无力全面干预整个糖业,而仅仅管制糖品储存、运输两个方面,借此达到其“寓税于价”的目的。同时,政府也通过专卖政策的实施,部分完成了中央势力对四川地方社会的渗透。但是,由于自身的设计不足以及实施过程中的种种弊端,该政策给糖业发展带来了诸多不利影响。 从这一时期沱江流域糖业的整个发展趋势来看,该区域蔗糖经济的发展有起有落,但始终是向前发展的。在向前发展的过程中,蔗糖经济有两个显著的特点:一是由自在发展阶段过渡统制发展阶段;二是制糖方式经历由传统到现代的转变。但是,我们看到糖业向前发展的同时,也应看到其发展并非具有可持续性,因为这种发展并非是在糖品市场得到新的拓展及制糖技术有了重大突破的情况下取得的。清末民初,该区域蔗糖经济迎来第一次发展高峰,分析其原因,不难发展,期间包含了很多偶然性因素。战时,该区域蔗糖经济又迎来了一次快速发展阶段,然而,这次发展多归因于政府的超经济强制。而在抗战爆发后,国民政府把糖业的发展纳入其统制经济的范畴内,寓榨取于统制之中,进一步打击了业糖者的信心,自1940年以后,该流域的糖业呈现出不同程度的衰退。因此,不难发现其发展呈“悖论型”发展模式,既有发展的一面,又有危机甚至是衰退的一面。而从经济增长理论来看,沱江流域蔗糖经济的发展是介于广泛性增长及斯密型增长两种增长模式之间,其经济总量的增长一方面在于劳动分工和专业化的推动,另一方面,也是主要方面,在于同类种植农户的增加。
[Abstract]:The history of sugarcane sugar production in Sichuan was relatively long. According to the "sugar cream" (Wang Zhuozhuo, 1164), sugarcane sugar was planted in the Suining area of Sichuan Province during the Northern Song Dynasty. After the war, it was interrupted for a time. In the fifty-five years (1716) of the Qing Dynasty, the people of Fu Jian brought sugarcane from Fujian's old home, making the once interrupted sugarcane planting in Sichuan Province. Flourishing.
The Tuojiang River Basin is located in the middle of Sichuan province. The annual average temperature is about 18 degrees and the annual precipitation is about 1 thousand millimeter. It is more suitable for planting sugarcane. Whether it is from the area of sugarcane planting, sucrose production, or from the technology of hand making sugar, the sucrose economy in this basin is in the leading position in the province. It represents the development level of the sugar industry in Modern Sichuan Province. At the beginning, the development of Sichuan sugar industry came into its first heyday. After that, although the sugar industry in Sichuan declined because of the invasion of the sugar and the warlords, the sugar production was still in the leading position in the country before the outbreak of the war of resistance. "Free market" stage. In this stage, the traditional sugar industry has played an important role in the development of sugar industry. After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, the government started a series of unified policies on the Sichuan sugar industry from the purpose of the Anti Japanese War and the founding of the nation. From this, the sugar industry has entered the "system market" stage.
In the "free market" stage, the sugarcane planting habit, the pattern of sugar production and marketing, the influence of "selling pre goods", "the period trading", "brokers system" and the changes of the management mode of the sugarcane growers, together with the advantages of the sugar economy, are not only the advantages of the continuous development of sugar industry. It is also the basis for the wartime government to control the sugar industry in Sichuan.
In the "unified market" stage, the government has carried out a series of control policies on the sugar industry. In the area of production capacity, the manual sugar technology in the pre war basin has been highly specialized and has a leading position in the country, but still has many shortcomings compared with the new machine sugar industry. In order to ensure the sugar industry capacity, the government is on the one hand. Set up the sugarcane test field of Sichuan agricultural reform institute, engaged in the improvement activities of soil law sugar technology, on the other hand, support the establishment of a batch of modern semi mechanized sugar production plant from two aspects of policy and capital. In addition, the coexistence of different modes of production in the sugar industry provides a different face for understanding the relationship between the national machine industry and the modern handicraft industry.
On the one hand, the government carries out cooperative loans to the sugarcane farmers on the one hand, and tries to dissolve the bondage of the traditional financing means (selling pre goods and borrowing high interest) to the sugarcane growers. On the other hand, the bank has ordered the banking institutions to set up a network in Sichuan Province to convert the financing channels of sugar merchants from the banks to the loan banks. In this process, the government The financial control of the sugar industry has been completed, however, the sugarcane growers and the sugar merchants often borrow money, and the financial industry does not bring substantial funds to the sugar industry. In addition, the rapid development of the financial industry in the wartime province has both the subjective factors of the government policy support and the rise in the price of the silver money industry to stimulate the development of the industry. The objective situation is that the developed sucrose economy in the basin further integrates these two factors and promotes the rapid development of the silver money industry. Therefore, it is questionable to attribute the development of the silver money industry to the sugarcane industry and to describe its practice with the concept of "sugar industry finance".
In the control of sugar supply and demand, after the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, the government implemented a method of replacing the gasoline with alcohol to ensure the demand for liquid fuel in the national defense and the rear, and then strengthened the control of the supply and demand of sugar products in alcohol production. This system can be divided into two stages: purchase, limited price (February -1942, October 1939), distribution, pricing (1942 2). In July, -1944. Whether it is from the perspective of the formation and development of the alcohol industry in the rear, or from the point of view of the role of alcohol in the Anti Japanese War and the founding of the people's Republic of China, the control of the production of alcohol in wartime is worth affirming. The control of the supply and demand of sugar in the raw material of alcohol production is the precondition of ensuring the production of alcohol, and the control is not only the heavy control of the sugar industry. It is also an important part of the control of liquid fuels.
In terms of controlling the price of sucrose, from the free trading nature of "selling pre goods" custom to mandatory price arrangement - the sucrose evaluation system, the government aims to intervene the transaction between sugarcane farmers and sugar houses (leaky sheds) by limiting the price, safeguard the interests of sugarcane growers, promote the economic development of sucrose, and stabilize the local society, thus achieving the Anti Japanese War and the founding of the nation. However, with the continuous progress of the war of resistance and the rapid rise in prices, the cost of sugar limited by the government, in turn, has become an obstacle to the profit of the sugarcane growers. Therefore, the dispute between sugarcane growers and sugar merchants in the sugar industry is a contradiction between the sugarcane farmers and the government. Especially in the inner river, the annual petitions of the sugarcane growers are becoming more and more serious, Even the development of sugarcane farmers to destroy the riots of the county government. The government is in conflict with the public, and the society is losing its order. The development of sucrose economy has been seriously affected.
In addition, during the period from 1942 to 1944, the government implemented the sugar monopoly policy in Chuan Kang District, "comprehensively intervening" the development of sugar industry in Sichuan Province. The implementation of this policy marks the peak of the government's control over the sugar industry. From the implementation of the policy, the government is unable to intervene the whole sugar industry in an all-round way, but only control sugar storage and transport two aspects. At the same time, the government, through the implementation of the monopoly policy, partially completed the infiltration of the central forces to the local society of Sichuan. However, because of its lack of design and the various drawbacks in the implementation process, the policy has brought many adverse effects on the development of sugar industry.
From the whole development trend of the sugar industry in the Tuojiang River Basin in this period, the development of the sugar economy in this region has been falling, but it has always developed forward. In the process of forward development, the sucrose economy has two remarkable characteristics: the first is the transition from the stage of free development to the stage of development, and the two is that the way of sugar making is from traditional to modern. However, when we see the development of the sugar industry, we should also see that the development is not sustainable, because this development is not a new development in the sugar market and a major breakthrough in sugar technology. In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, the first development peak was ushered in the sugar economy in the region. It was not difficult to analyze its cause. In the period of wartime, the sugar economy in the region had a rapid development stage. However, this development was attributed to the government's super economic coercion. After the outbreak of the war of resistance, the national government brought the development of sugar into the model of its unified economy and squeezed it into control, and further attacked the industry. The sugar industry's confidence in the sugar industry has been declining in varying degrees since 1940. Therefore, it is not difficult to find that its development is "paradoxical" development model, with both development and crisis and even recession. From the theory of economic growth, the development of sucrose economy in the Tuojiang River Basin is in the range of extensive growth and Smith. Between the two growth modes, the growth of the total economic aggregate lies in the promotion of division of labor and specialization, on the other hand, the main aspect, and the increase of farmers of the same kind.
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