发布时间:2018-06-04 10:13
本文选题:社会生活 + 文化融合 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2006年硕士论文
【摘要】: 清末民初是中国传统社会向近代社会过渡的历史性变革时期,出现了政治、经济和文化的强烈变迁。其中,人们社会生活的承袭与演变也随之凸现。作为构成社会具体而重要的因素,社会生活在某一阶段、某一地域综合体现着生产力、生产关系以及各种社会关系的变化。哈密,古“丝绸之路”上的重要通道,素有“西域襟喉,嘉关锁钥”之称,是通往新疆的第一门户。清末民初,哈密九世回王沙木胡索特(1882-1930)积极加强与晚清及北洋政府的联系,哈密某种程度上也因其特殊地理位置较新疆其他地方与内地有了更多的交流,汲取外来文化元素相应的多。本文拟就这一时期,哈密地区主要民族,汉族、维吾尔族、哈萨克族、回族、蒙古族为对象来对其社会生活作以立体而形象的画卷展示,并由此解析清末民初哈密不同民族间文化的影响与融合以及特殊地理位置构成哈密社会生活面貌的别样性。哈密乃新疆的具体而微,通过勾勒哈密社会生活的轨迹可以对整个新疆社会生活的面貌与变迁得以一览。
[Abstract]:The end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China was a period of historical change in the transition from traditional Chinese society to modern society, with strong changes in politics, economy and culture. Among them, the inheritance and evolution of people's social life also appeared. As a concrete and important factor, social life is in a certain stage, and a certain region comprehensively embodies the changes of productive forces, relations of production and various social relations. Hami, an important passage on the ancient Silk Road, is known as the "Western region throat, Jiaguan lock key", is the first gateway to Xinjiang. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Hami IX returned to King Shamuhusolt 1882-1930) to actively strengthen ties with the late Qing Dynasty and the Beiyang government.Hami also had more exchanges with the mainland to some extent because of his special geographical location than other places in Xinjiang. Draw on foreign cultural elements of the corresponding many. In this period, the main ethnic groups of Hami, Han, Uygur, Kazak, Hui and Mongolian are chosen as objects to display their social life in a three-dimensional and vivid way. It also analyzes the influence and integration of different cultures of Hami nationalities in the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, as well as the special geographical position which constitutes the different features of Hami's social life. Hami is the concrete and minor of Xinjiang. By outlining the trajectory of Hami's social life, the appearance and changes of the whole Xinjiang's social life can be seen.
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